YouTube Has Got Me Hooked – Help!

I’m becoming a bit of a YouTube junkie and I may have to start weening myself off it. 

YouTube has got me hooked- help

Most things are good in moderation, but there is always that pull to overindulge in a good thing.

It hit me last night that I might be at that place with my YouTube watching.

I spent several hours watching similar videos explaining what the best settings are for a new camera I got. Some of the videos contradicted others, some were way too technical for me, some were just plain boring.

It’s really a mixed bag on YouTube, and the videos flow from one to another.  

Now, there was a good reason why I spent so much time yesterday watching those videos: I was tired.

There is nothing easier to do when you are tired than to watch and do nothing. Well, there is sleeping … that is easier than watching. Besides sleeping, watching is easiest because you don’t have to move a muscle. 

After spending all that time watching YouTube videos, my head was saturated with information, but I wasn’t doing anything with that information. I wasn’t applying it. 

In fact, I was finding that there was so much information that I wasn’t able to process it. I wasn’t able to determine what camera setting I thought would be best for me. I needed to start doing something and that was to write down the settings people were suggesting. 

It’s similar with church. You can sit and listen to a sermon, leave, and five minutes later not be able to recall what the preacher said. That’s why I always include an outline for people to take notes. It helps you stay focused and process what you are hearing. 

Anyway … back to my YouTube watching. 

Last night when I was done watching videos (I could have kept going but I cut myself off), I kind of kicked myself for not doing something. 

I had some video footage that I could have edited and some settings on my camera that I could have tested out, but I had done nothing … except watch.

That’s when I came to terms with my YouTube addiction. 

I’ve had a few people tell me I’ve been watching too much YouTube – people like my wife, Lily.  

My son has also mentioned to Lily that I’m watching too much … and this coming from a guy who barely goes five minutes without having his phone nine inches away from his face. 

So I’m going to listen and I’m going to limit my YouTube watching. 

I will start doing as much as I’m watching. If there is something I need to see on YouTube, I will then put it into practice immediately afterwards, for at least the same amount of time it took to learn what I was watching. 

It will take a bit of discipline, but it will get me doing and not just watching. 

Here’s the thing: Whatever you are learning about God right now, I encourage you to put it into practice. If you are learning about prayer, take time to pray. If you are learning about fear or anxiety or patience, do something that you will have to trust God for. Are learning about God’s creativity or His majesty, go for a walk in the woods, or stroll by a lake and take it the view. Don’t just learn about God, experience God by doing something. 

That’s Life!


Question: What is it that you need to do, instead of just learning about? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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2 thoughts on “YouTube Has Got Me Hooked – Help!

  1. Paul: I agree with you. Every morning I go for a long walk with our dog and each morning I marvel at what God has created. This also makes me realize just how blessed Lori and I are. This instills in me a sense of awe and love for what Jesus sacrificed so that we may live full and complete lives. What I need to do is reflect more often upon God and learn to turn my life over to him immediately when I am facing trials and tribulations.

    • Jack, I can’t look out the window without being captivated be God’s handiwork. You are so right to marvel over it. Thanks

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