Your View Of What’s Important Might Be Blocked

Last night from my deck, I looked at the sky and found the view a little lacking. The sky looked very interesting; it was just that there was too much blocking my view.

Your view of what's important might be blocked

I like living in the city where you’re close to everything you need and the things you enjoy doing. But the one thing that kind of sucks about city living is the view of the sunset.

We should have a great view of the sunsets each night. From our patio window or deck we just have to look a little to the left and we can see a fabulous array of red, orange and purple colours as they bounce off the clouds and contrast against the blue background.

It’s a pretty sight; there is just not enough of it. 

I guess that’s why some people build houses in the country and put them on the crest of a hill. From that vantage they get the full view of the sky as it interacts with the sun and the clouds. 

When we’re at the cottage walking on the beach at sundown, we get that full panoramic view with nothing obstructing the scene before us.

Not so much at home. I can see the sky but there are wires, poles, houses and trees that block the lower half of it from my view. When I take a picture of a sunset, I end up with a very thick transmission wire running right across the image. 

I could mount my GoPro somewhere to get around it, but I’d have to hoist it up a flag pole to get it above the wire.

I could send my drone up a hundred feet to get a better view but I’m not allowed. I live within a no-fly zone radius of an airport, so I can’t fly my drone off my back deck.

It would be nice to have an eraser that would just remove the wires and homes that are in the path of the sunset. It might upset the people who live in those homes to be rubbed out like they didn’t exist … not that my home was here first or that it’s built on higher ground … but it sure would improve my view. 

I realize that what I wish for is not something that I have any power to do. I’m just saying it would be nice, on a particularly absolutely gorgeous night, to have those homes and wires removed some way. 

I’ve seen software that can remove things from pictures so that you never knew they were ever truly in the shot.

I guess that is the best I can hope for. 

Here’s the thing: What might be blocking your view of seeing God in all His majesty and magnificence? It could be unforgiveness or a lack of gratitude. It might be sin in your life. Maybe you are preoccupied looking at something else. Whatever it might be that prevents you from seeing the glory of God, you have the ability to get it out of the way so that you can see God correctly. Let me encourage you to remove anything that blocks your view of seeing God for who He is.

That’s Life!


Question: What could be blocking your view of God? Leave your comments and questions below.

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