Summer Sheets Just Might Save This Spring

We made the switch this week to summer sheets. 

summer sheets just might save this spring

… You mean you don’t know what they are? That was my wife Lily’s response when I told her we needed summer sheets.

It makes perfect sense to me. 

In the winter, some people might put an extra or thicker blanket on their bed, or use flannel sheets. Well, in the summer we should switch to summer sheets – sheets that are cooler, that when you get into bed feel cold for a few seconds. They feel lighter on your body – you know, summer sheets.

All through this winter we have had sheets that, to me anyway, seem thicker. Apparently they are microfibre. 

All I know is that they have cut down on our electric bill. They produce so much static electricity that I can’t remember the last time we had to pay a utility bill. 

Plus, during these COVID lockdowns with no haircuts, when I get up in the morning my hair is standing out like I touched one of those static electricity balls at the science centre. 

The one good thing about the microfibre sheets is that when you do climb into bed during the winter months, it’s not like taking the polar bear plunge.

Lily likes to drop the temperature in our house to below zero for sleeping purposes. So it’s already a little nippy by the time I’m jumping into bed. Not having the sheets engulf you like an igloo is a good thing.

But when summer comes and we are already hot (because for some reason Lily doesn’t like to drop the temperature when it’s warm outside), well, it’s not too inviting to get into an even warmer bed. 

It was just the other day when we finally put those thin, cool, cotton sheets on the bed. And it feels so good – so good in fact that I could go with summer sheets all year long. But then we wouldn’t be calling them summer sheets, would we?

And that is why most of you have never heard the term, “summer sheets” before. You don’t mess with those crazy microfibre sheets like we do. 

And, to be honest, I don’t think I was ever consulted about making a switch to microfibre sheets. 

All I know is that when the temperatures started to rise, I started resisting getting under the sheets. I started waking up in a sweat and not because of some post trauma I was reliving in a dream.

The sheets just made me too hot. 

Now that we have the summer sheets on the bed, I’m sleeping better, the electricity bill has gone back up to normal and my hair … oh, it’s longer, but I don’t look like I sleep all night with my finger in the power bar beside my bed.

I’m sure glad they still make cotton. We would all be doomed if we had to sleep in microfibre sheets all year long. 

Here’s the thing: Now that the seasons have changed, there is a whole new set of things we involve ourselves in. With more outdoor activities, our lives become busier in some ways. That also means it’s time to adjust to the change without sacrificing time with God. You still need to meet with God in prayer and through scripture. Be sure you find a transition that will keep your relationship with Him thriving. 

That’s Life!


Question: What are the biggest changes you need to make moving into summer? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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