I’m Having A Difficult Time With A Home Project

I always find home projects to be more difficult than they should be. I think it has something to do with being handy … which I’m not.


I can do things, but it always comes at a price to me.

The idea of completing something around the house is appealing, but the actual work never ends up being enjoyable.

I’ve spent time in emergency rooms; I’ve left projects half done for months; I’ve gotten myself completely frustrated to the point of smashing the project with whatever is in my hand at the moment.

Mostly what deflates me about projects is the time. Everything I do takes longer than I figure it should take.

There is always a wrinkle, a hitch, an exception, an unforeseen catastrophe that makes the project go way beyond the time I’ve estimated for it.

A couple of weeks ago I wanted to change the tires on my car. I was going on a trip and wanted to take my winter tires off and put my summer tires on.

… Not a big deal; I can do it in about thirty minutes.

I had a little time the night before I was leaving so I got to work. I jacked one wheel up and took the lug nuts off. When I went to take the tire off, it wouldn’t budge.

There was nothing holding the tire on, but it was glued to the hub!

Fortunately, I had this happen to me once before so I knew what to do. I started kicking the tire – not just tapping it with my foot – I was whaling on the tire with my heel as hard as I could!

The theory is, by kicking it, you create a vibration on the wheel so that it releases itself from the hub.

I went into action, but nothing. I got a rubber mallet, and still nothing. I looked at the time this was taking and realized it wasn’t worth it so I put the nuts back on the tire, lowered the jack and went on my trip the next day with my winter tires still on.

About a week later, after my trip, I decided I better try again. I started with the same tire and I got out all the equipment I thought I would need to work on it. To my surprise, It came off fairly easily.

I put the summer tire on in its place and moved to the next tire. Surely, it would not be stuck on as well.

Wrong! It was so frozen to the hub, though I pounded and pounded, and worked up a real sweat, the tire never budged.

I tried a different tire – same result. Nothing I did would loosen the tires so I could change them. I had to drive for a day with one summer tire and three winter tires.

I found videos on the internet that gave me solutions … they didn’t work.

My thirty minute project has now taken me a couple of hours and I’ve only changed one tire!

Today I’ll purchase a sledge hammer and see what that bad boy can do for me.

Here’s the thing: Time is often an issue for us because we try to do things without the right tools. Spiritually, we often struggle with things because we don’t go to the right source. Seek God first; let Him have what you’re struggling with.

That’s Life!


Question: What do you find yourself struggling with right now? Leave your comment below.