A Valentine’s Day To Remember

When Valentine’s Day came, I thought I could give my wife a most wanted present.

A valentine's day to remember

For Valentine’s Day I always get her some flowers and a card, but not usually a present.

But this year there was a gift I knew she would be thrilled with … a gift she had been hoping for.

Here’s the story: I had been growing a beard for about four weeks and almost every day she asked me when I was going to shave it off.

She would say, “You’re not going to keep this, are you?” and “Am I going to be married to a Grizzly Adams?”

I never gave her any hope that I was going to shave it off (read about that here). 

Instead I talked about how nice it was growing in, how I liked the colour and just how great it was to have a beard.

In reality, I couldn’t have cared less to have a beard. 

When I started, my stubble was all white and I just wanted to see what it was going to grow into.

As the weeks went on, I could tell that Lily was wondering if she was going to have to get used to it, but she was not at the place to accept it. 

My plan was to shave it off after four weeks on a Saturday, just before Sunday. But during the week, I had an idea for a sermon illustration that was related to my beard, so I decided I would keep it for one more Sunday. 

Valentine’s Day was the day after Sunday and I determined that I would surprise Lily with a gift of shaving off my beard.

While Lily was busy that afternoon building a puzzle, I secretly shaved my beard and then stayed out of her way (read about that here). 

I was working on a project at my desk when she came downstairs and kissed me on my freshly shaven cheek.

She didn’t notice!  

A little while later I came upstairs and looked at how she had set up the living room. We had planned to have a romantic dinner at home and the living room looked like a perfect, quiet spot in a restaurant. The lights were low and Lil had candles glowing all over the room. 

We had a short conversation and I went to pick up dinner from a Greek takeout place close by. 

When I came back, Lily kissed me on my lips and took the food to place it on the plates. We sat down to eat, just three feet across from each other, face to face, eye to eye. 

Then Lily said, “Oh, I need a picture”. She got out her phone and took a picture from across the table. 

Never once had she said anything about my missing beard. 

We were a few minutes into eating our dinner when I finally couldn’t take it any longer. I asked, “Did you notice I shaved off my beard?” 

Lily gasped. She was so embarrassed. It never dawned on her. She’s not living this one down.

I almost decided to start growing it back that night … but I don’t want a beard.

Here’s the thing: Have you ever noticed how intricately the petals of a rose are formed, or how the human body has been put together? It’s hard to believe that this all happened randomly, by luck or flute. It’s practically impossible if you think about it. No, God made everything precisely and purposefully. But many people never notice. I encourage you to take notice of the Creator and put your trust in Christ. 

That’s Life!


Question: What has escaped your attention lately? Leave your comments and questions below.

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Well, That’s It – Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Well that’s it; it’s gone. I’d like to say as quick as it came, it left in the same fashion, but that would not be true. 

well, that;s it - here today, gone tomorrow

I’m not talking about the weather either, though there are some similarities. 

Last week we had a few days of warm weather that seemed to suggest it might stick around. However, as quick as the plus figures arrived, they instantly vanished into oblivion with the arrival of negative temperatures in the double digits.

It was hard to fathom how much a thermometer could drop in such a short span of time. I was blown away at the amount of red liquid that could pool in that round reservoir at the bottom of the thermometer outside our kitchen window. How did it all get in there?

Some things have a quick arrival and then a slow exit. Snow, for one, is like that. 

We received most of our snow accumulation in two storms. Specifically, it was over one night that we really noticed the snow pile up. 

Since that fateful night, the snow has not retreated all that quickly. Even with those few warm days we experienced last week, there was not a significant amount of melting to be observed with the naked eye. 

I think you would need some kind of a measuring system to tell if the glacier on my front lawn has retreated at all.

I doubt we will see this snow disappear for some time … though apparently we will be back in plus temperatures a few days from now. 

But this blog is not about arriving quickly and then sticking around – actually, the opposite.

About five weeks ago I started growing a beard. I got covid and, for the five days I stayed at home, I didn’t shave. (You can read about it here.)

I was just intrigued with the white stuff on my face and decided to see what it would look like if I kept it around. So for the last four to five weeks, I’ve been growing this white stuff. 

… No, I haven’t digressed to talking about the snow, just the mostly white beard that has been accumulating on my face. 

It has not come about quickly though. 

I could wait longer to see how it fully develops and if I will maybe look like David Letterman or Santa Clause, but at this point I think I have a good idea of how it would turn out. 

During this time, I’ve been driving my wife, Lily, batty. She doesn’t like it, not one bit. 

And I’ve stayed coy, not indicating that I’m in any hurry to shave it off. 

But unlike the snow on the ground that comes quickly and leaves very slowly, my beard has taken weeks to develop … but I was able to eliminate it from my face within a matter of fifteen minutes. 

… I know someone who will be ecstatic that her Valentine wish has come true!

Here’s the thing: Think about it – God has been very patient with mankind. The Bible says He is slow to anger, abounding in love and mercy. Centuries have gone by with the promise of Christ returning – that’s a long delay. But when Christ does return, it will be quick and possibly unexpected. Don’t get caught thinking there is lots of time until then. Place your faith in Christ today and develop your relationship with Him so you will be ready for His quick return. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to bring to a quick end? Leave your comments and questions below.

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