Why It’s So Important To Receive Credit For What We Do

I’ve been counting my steps each day for about three years now. They say we should take at least 10,000 steps a day, so since my heart attack, I’ve been trying to get them in.


For some people that’s easy; their work or life has them on their feet most of the day. But for a guy like me who sits for great portions of the day, it’s not that easy. I have to work at it.

Now, if I could play golf every day – wouldn’t that be nice – that would do it for me … but that’s not going to happen, so I need to get out of my chair and move to get my steps in.

There are a number of stats that I collect about my health and exercise. I record my weight each day, and how much exercise I do.

I do it for my health. I don’t really care if anyone knows about it, but there is one thing for sure – I want credit for it!

When I walk 10,000 steps in a day, I want the credit. If I exercise for 30 minutes or more in a day, it better get recorded.

I want the satisfaction of knowing that what I’ve done shows up somewhere. I’m not talking about a leaderboard like at a PGA tournament or anything, it just has to show up on the app on my phone that keeps track of all this info.

Well, recently I switched to a new step counter. I lost the old one – in fact I have either lost a step counter or put one through the wash about every 9 months for the last three years. The last one was a tad expensive.

My new step counter, however, is a little more stingy with my steps. Maybe the old one was not quite as accurate as this one, but the point is, I’m not getting credit for the steps I’m taking … or that I think I’m taking.

I mentioned this to Lily, my wife, and she just brushed it off. She said it doesn’t matter whether it records all the steps like the last one or not, “you know what you’ve done”.

That’s true, but what I want is credit! I want to be able to look at my app, whether anyone else ever sees it or not, and be proud of my accomplishment. If it’s not recorded, I have no record. I have nothing to prove to myself that I did it.

My new app gives me awards when I achieve a goal – a little symbol that shows up on the screen of my phone … but I want to see the numbers!

I want to see the graphs, steps going up, weight coming down, exercise staying consistent. I want the credit when I’ve achieved a goal – even if it’s just me who will ever lay eyes on it.

Here’s the thing:  We all want to receive credit for what we do, whether it’s at work, with our family, or even something personal. We want it to be noticed and recognized by someone even if that someone is ourselves. We get that from being made in the image of God. So how does God feel when we fail to recognize what He does, fail to recognize His creative hand in nature, fail to acknowledge Him, not recognize His answer to our prayer, or not appreciate His help in circumstances? Be sure you give God the credit due Him.

That’s Life!


Question: What have you done that you would like credit for but have not received it? Leave your comment below.