The Biggest And Most Powerful Always Get Their Way

The biggest and most powerful always get the last word. This has certainly been true when it comes to children.

When I was a kid, the bigger you were the more clout you had. You had more persuasion. It might have taken a push or a shove, but the little guy finally buckled under. 

It might have just been the intimidation of their size, but the big guys had an edge. Sometimes they would stand tall and get really close so the little guy couldn’t help but notice just how big they were.

The big kids were often the ones the teachers would ask to help them. For one thing, they could reach higher – sometimes even higher than the teachers could reach. 

Their physical size gave the impression they could do things that others couldn’t do. And in many cases, it wasn’t just an impression, it was true.

How do I know all this?

Well, I was never one of the big and powerful guys growing up and so I watched all this take place. I even had the experience on occasion of having to buckle under someone bigger than me. 

It was never a great feeling. 

It was always better to be on the side of the big guys, to be on their team. Then you felt you had a protector, a defender, someone who made you feel bigger, walk taller and talk tougher than you really were.

What I experienced as a kid is the very same phenomenon taking place these days on the world stage with adult world leaders.

It has always been the case, but I don’t think it has ever been as obvious how the big and powerful throw their weight around. 

I think it started with Donald Trump and how he speaks so boldly and puts the pressure on those countries that are smaller than the USA. Trump even tells them they are going to have to buckle under and submit to his country’s power and size. 

And now we are seeing China exercising the same big guy bully tactics with Canada. 

The reason for China’s power assertion might be anger at the USA, but they are making it clear to Canada that “you mess with us and look out”.  

Their actions have basically declared: You better buckle under and free the Huawei cell phone executive who Canada is detaining. We’ll hold a few of your own people’s lives over your head just to show you who’s boss.

Inside everyone is the temptation, when you are big and powerful, to throw your weight around, to use your clout. … Before my son got to be bigger and stronger than me, I would use my size and power to make him say “uncle” every time we wrestled.

With all that is going on in the world right now, I wonder if we are ready for such a big power struggle to rise up and show itself on the world’s main stage. 

… It certainly is cause to think long and hard about the powers that are over us.

Here’s the thing: One day God is going to say, “enough is enough”. Then everyone will have to buckle under to His will because there is no one or nothing greater than He. The question we must all ask ourselves is, “Are we prepared for that day?”

That’s Life!


Question: When has someone big and powerful been on your side? How did you feel? Leave your comments below.

It Was A Powerful Experience

There are a lot of powerful things in nature, and this past year we’ve seen more than our share of nature’s power on this earth.

Though there have always been reports and news stories of hurricanes, tornados, floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes, this year we have felt the power of nature a little closer to home. 

Canada gets its fair share of cold, ice and snow, but for the most part we’re spared many of the devastating natural disasters. 

This year, however, we’ve had run-ins with fire, wind and water on a greater scale. Yet, in spite of all that, where I live we experienced the best summer weather in about four years.

You can’t really appreciate the power of nature by watching it on TV. It’s only in person that you can feel the immense force of nature. 

… Like when you stand on the edge of a rock, overlooking the surge of water dropping to the next level – that’s when you really get how powerful water can be. 

… Or when you drive through a city that was hit by a tornado the night before and see metal twisted around trees, and roofs ripped off of homes, then you realize the power of wind. 

Yesterday we were closing up our cottage for the year and during the day the wind got progressively more intense. 

The trees seemed to all move to the music of the wind … and it must have been more like rave music than a slow waltz because the trees were dancing wildly!

There were warnings of extreme winds, but from the comfort of our cottage, the only indication of the weather was the sound it provided. 

Just after sundown, Lily and I went for a walk down to the beach. We could see the dark clouds racing across the sky. 

As we got closer to the beach, the noise of the wind increased. We also felt the wind more, especially when there was nothing in the way to block it.

I’ve watched television news reporters standing outside, giving their weather reports, hours before a hurricane would be full throttle on that city. Sometimes you could tell they were struggling not to be blown away. 

I have often thought that those reporters had tiny toothpicks for legs … I don’t any more.

We stood just onto the beach. The forecast was for wind gusts up to 80kph, and though I didn’t fear that I was going to get blown over, I had to brace myself to take pictures and video. See one of the pictures I took above. 

When we walked against the wind, we had to do so with a serious forward lean to fight the push back of the wind. 

… And that wasn’t even close to the power of the wind in a hurricane! 

Both Lily and I marvelled at the power of the wind and the waves as we surveyed Lake Huron from the beach.


Here’s the thing: As powerful as the wind might be, as hungry as a fire is, as devastating as water can be, God’s power is over all these and more. There is nothing – no power of earth – that is as powerful as God. So when you see first hand the power of water, fire or wind, comprehend its force, but know that there is someone more powerful. There is One who can control and command the power of each and every element we have on earth: God. May you be in awe of the Lord every time you see the power in nature. 

That’s Life!


Question: What powerful force have you experienced lately?  Leave your comments below.