Think Like You Used To Think

I believe many people don’t think like they used to think. 

Think like you used to think

That might seem like a ridiculous thing to write. Of course, many people – probably all people – don’t think the way they used to think. We change our minds about things all the time. 

I’m not talking about a change of mind, thinking one way and then changing to think about the same thing differently. We can all hear new facts, or a different opinion, and change what we think. 

What I’m talking about is changing our thinking process, how we process information that comes into our minds. 

That seems to have changed for many people.

As a child, you may have woken up in the middle of the night and believed you were seeing a dragon by your desk. 

It looked real; you were frightened. You were just about ready to scream for help. But instead turned on your nightlight and discovered the dragon was actually a sock that had been flung over the back of a chair. 

The light and shadows from the moon, that pierced through the tiny opening in your curtains, caused your mind to interpret the shadow of that sock as a monster by your desk. 

When you shed a different light on the area, you could see that your original thinking was faulty, so you changed your mind. 

… And your heart rate. 

These days many people will not try to see the dark dragon in any other light than what is presented to them. Their minds will not change; they only see what is presented before them, without questioning the light that is creating the image. 

A recent example of this is comes from a company that I have been a patron of for many years. In fact, I have been a proponent of their products to others. 

The company is Apple. 

Recently they made a statement that they would prevent an app from their store from being downloaded to or accessed by devices they make. 

That’s a pretty bold move. 

The threat of doing this comes with a condition: they will shut down the Parler app from the Apple app store unless Parler sensors their subscribers. 

… Not all the subscribers, just those subscribers who don’t think like Apple or promote their ideology. 

When I heard this, the first image that came to my mind was the image of a commercial they had made years ago when their company was starting up.

The theme of the commercial was “Think Different”. The images of the commercial were based on the book “1984” by George Orwell. 

The commercial was making the point to break from thinking like the masses, like all the others and think for yourself. Apple was setting itself apart from all the other computer companies and saying to think about computers in a new way. 

Now it seems they have changed how they think. Now they want you to think just like them, like the masses. 

Apple doesn’t think differently any more.

Here’s the thing: Should we think like the masses? The pressure is on to think that way. But to think like we used to think, make sure your mind gets to see another perspective. Let the Bible be that perspective. Read it, understand the message, apply it, and keep yourself from just going along with the thinking of the masses. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to rethink, or see another side of right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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