Some Work Is Never Done

It seems like some people’s work is never quite done. It’s like they always have just a little more work to do.

When you were a child and you wanted your parents’ attention, they often had some work to do first. For a child who has so much time on his or her hands, a parent’s work appears to never end. 

Over the last number of years I have found myself in the situation of having work to do when others are all finished. It’s not because I am a slow worker or thinker, it’s because I’ve served as a secretary on a number of committees. 

For more years than I want to count I have served as the secretary on a district committee for my denomination.  

I don’t mind taking notes; I like trying to capture the gist of the conversations and the action of the committee. But when I type out those last words, “adjourned”, into the minutes, that only really applies to the other committee members. I still have more work to do.  

That’s the part that’s hard. They start packing up their computers, and saying their good byes while I have a little more work to do, cleaning up the minutes so they are in order. 

About a year ago, I finished that role and had thought that that would be the last time I would be a secretary for that committee, or any other for that matter. 

But I recently got a call, asking if I’d be willing to be a secretary at our denomination’s national conference. My first answer came out of my mouth quickly – no hesitation, no indecision. 

I said “no”. 

It was a short conversation after that. But when I hung up the phone, I began to think about my answer and whether it should have been my answer.  

I started to have second thoughts that maybe it was something I should do. … It only took me about a week and a half to decide that I should at least let someone know I would be willing to do the job. 

In that week and a half, considering the numerous people the denomination would be able to contact, they should have been able to fill the three needed secretarial positions. 

But for some reason I just knew that, when I contacted them, I was going to get the nod. 

Sure enough, just as I thought, I was placed on the team. 

So I took on a job where there is always just a little more work to do.

When the business sessions were over, and delegates went for breaks, my team and I had a little more work to do. 

When we were finished for the day, and it was time to go, I had a little more work to do back at the hotel. 

On the last day of the conference, when the last session was about to begin, I had a little more work to do. 

I’m flying home now from the conference, but when I get there, I’ll still have a little more work to do. Well … at least it seems like it.

Here’s the thing: As much as it seems like we have a little more work to do, it is actually true for God. He is always working. If you are a follower of Christ, be glad that God is always working in you and for His purposes to be worked out in you. 

That’s Life!


Question: What work never seems to end for you? Leave your comments below.