A Minority Now Will Eventually Lead To A Majority

Sometimes it seems like you’re in the minority when you know you should be in the majority. 

A minority now will eventually lead to a majority

We all have liked things that we thought would be popular, but it turned out that it wasn’t so. 

For instance, you watched a television show in its first season and really liked it. You couldn’t wait for the next episode. But after that first season, it went off the air and you wondered, “Why didn’t everyone like that show?” 

For some reason you were in the minority. 

Or maybe they stopped manufacturing your favourite car. How could it not be popular? 

When I was a kid, I always liked the Cadillac Eldorado. I thought it looked cool. I really liked the 1967 and 68 models.

Well, apparently not everyone thought like me because by the 70’s they became much more boxy. They hardly resembled the look that had attracted me.

Don’t you kind of wish the whole world thought like you and had the same likes and dislikes as you? After all, how could you not be in the majority? 

It’s a sad reality that our preferences are not everyone’s preferences … even worse, our preferences may be in the minority. 

Years ago my dentist told me I needed to floss my teeth every day. Basically, from that time on I did. 

Over the years I’ve used a variety of products to floss my teeth, but there has been one that I have found to be better than others. 

I like to use wishbone-shaped flossers. For years I used a device that basically looked like a mini slingshot. You just wrapped the dental floss around a button on the handle, then around the two ends, then back around the button. 

It worked like a charm. 

It wasn’t a throw away type of device; you just kept buying dental floss to use in it. But then they became hard to find. I probably needed a new one every six months or so, but I was unable to locate them in stores. 

My thought was, “Why isn’t everyone using these flossers? How could they stop making them?”

I found a throw away kind that was much more flimsy, but it worked. It was still in the shape of a wishbone. 

But over the last few years that style has become harder and harder to find. Instead, the alternative is flossers with a side handle. 

I don’t understand how anyone could like these things. You can’t get to your back teeth with them and when you try, you end up looking like the Joker from Batman because you’ve had to stretch the side of your mouth out to about your ear to reach those back molars! 

But I guess I’m in the minority, that a majority of people who floss like the side handle shape better. It’s possible that those people only have about 14 teeth on the bottom and the top. 

I can’t believe I’m in the minority on this, but the lack of availability of the flossers I like has proved otherwise. 

Here’s the thing: When I grew up, I thought everyone went to church. It didn’t take long before I realized that many people didn’t. As I grew older, I realized I was in the minority believing in the God of the Bible. I have come to accept that for now, but I know there will be a day that the truth will be made plain and everyone will know Jesus came to save us. I will be in the majority then, though it will be too late for some. 

That’s Life!


Question: What are you surprised about being in the minority on?

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