Haircut – Who needs a Haircut Right Now?

The time is getting close to when I can finally get a haircut, but should I do it?

haircut - Who needs a haircut right now?

I haven’t had a haircut since the last week in March. I haven’t gone this long without cutting my hair since 1975, when three months with no haircut was normal and maybe not long enough.

But that was then.

Things are much different now than back at the end of high school. Styles changed and I got older. My hair got shorter … though I still had a bit of a mullet when I got married in 1985. 

My hair has also gone through some changes over the years. I now have a balding spot at the back of my head and my hair is getting thinner. 

The texture of my hair has also changed. It used to be thicker and more wiry. I could not get a regular comb through my hair. When I did comb it, my hair stayed in place. Even if the wind was strong and blew it a little, one stroke with my hands and it all went back into place. 

Now my hair is more straight and limp. I basically need a mirror if it hits the wind. My hair will be all over the place. 

When I used to wash my hair, it was never a big deal. Now every time I wash it, I feel like “I can’t do anything with my hair”. … That was a line from a commercial back in the sixties and seventies. Now I finally understand what they were talking about. 

I played golf with my son last week and when I put my head down to putt, my hair fell down all over my face.

Based on the fact that my hair is getting longer, it’s a no brainer to get it cut, right?


Well, that’s what I thought. But I have people telling me they like my flow. It’s driving me crazy, but they like it. It’s not just random people saying this to me, it’s people who are close to me – people whose opinions matter to me: my wife, my kids, my friends. 

So I’m having second thoughts about getting my hair cut as soon as my hair guy has a space free in his chair. 

But when I go out in the wind, I’m reminded how much I really do need a haircut. 

In a couple of days I will be able to say goodbye to being creative with how I take care of my hair. It won’t have to be something that is on my mind throughout the day. 

But will I? When I long for something, sometimes when it comes about I’m not as eager to jump at it. Sometimes I will see how much longer I can go without it. 

I just may do that with my hair. We will have to see what happens.

Here’s the thing: Some people think they have lots of time to decide to follow Jesus. Right now you may like your life and not want to submit to Christ just yet. But when will that time be? And when that time does come, will you think about waiting a little longer to make that change? Perhaps even wait too long? Now is the time to choose Christ as your Saviour. You will have lots of life to enjoy with Him in the lead. 

That’s Life! 


Question: What are you delaying that you know you should move on right now? Leave your comments and questions below.

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