Being Content Is Something We All Need To Work On

The character trait of being content is something we all need to work on. Though I notice a lack of contentment in others, I also know that I need to be more content. 

Being content is something we all need to work on

… There is still room for discontentment though. Think about it … if we were all content all the time there would be many things that would never have been invented. 

Think of the wheel. If we were always content, no one would have thought of carrying anything any other way than in their arms or on their backs. Some things would never have been moved from their spots. 

But I’m really talking about being content with everyday experiences like the weather. 

The weather takes a beating, that’s for sure. Many people have even given the weather a personal name so they can blame it. They call the weather, “Mother Nature”, and she can be nasty at times. 

We also personalize certain weather conditions like hurricanes, though I have never heard of Hurricane Bob.

Especially with the weather, we find it difficult to be content. 

The other day I was listening to the radio and the two radio personalities were discussing the weather. We were experiencing a heat wave at the time. Temperatures were up into the 30’s C and the humidity was a making it feel 10 degrees hotter than the readings on the thermometer.

Instead of enjoying the heat for the brief time we have it, the DJs were pining away for cooler temps like 15 degrees. In the winter when it’s -15 C, they will also be wishing for that 15 C optimal temperature. 

… Just never content with what we are experiencing at the time. 

Farmers are notorious for not being content with the weather, though I can see that. The weather dramatically affects their livelihood. 

The old boys down at the coffee shop in Lloydminster, Alberta (or is that Saskatchewan?) – well, I guess it depends on which coffee shop they’re in – are not content because if it’s raining, it’s too wet and if it’s not, it’s too dry. If there is lots of snow in the winter, it’s too much, and if there is very little snow, well, that’s not good either. 

When I heard the radio jocks talk about wishing for fifteen degrees in the middle of the summer, I realized that in the spring when it’s 15 degrees out they will be longing for hotter summer weather to hurry up and arrive. 

As for me, I will be content with the weather we are getting right now. Sure, it’s hot but I will take it right now and enjoy it. I will sit and eat my meal on our deck and enjoy a little dessert as the sun slowly makes its way lower on the horizon. 

However, I will then take my plate and go back into our house that is air-conditioned to about 23 degrees … so maybe I’m not as content with the weather as I think.

Here’s the thing: When you find contentment, it’s hard to stay there. Something will soon pull you from being content to being discontent. God can use that discontentment to nudge you to find contentment in Him and His will for you. When the discontentment comes, don’t just complain. Look for where God is leading you to find contentment again. 

That’s Life!


Question: Where is your discontent leading you? Leave your comments and questions below.

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