The Cashier Read Me Like A Book

The cashier rang my purchase through and said “Cheerios and chocolate milk – nice.” I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was visualizing my breakfast meal for me.

checkout cashier

She was pretty much right on. Most days of the week my breakfast consists of a half a grapefruit and a small bowl of hot oat bran cereal. However, Saturdays I really go big with breakfast.

I indulge – I mean, I  splurge – and typically that entails my half a grapefruit, a small bowl of Chocolate Cheerios and a piece of toast with peanut butter.

The lady on the cash at Metro this morning was pretty sharp to connect the dots of my morning ritual, especially since it was still the early part of the day.

The chocolate milk was a random thing; it happened to be on sale and my wife, Lily had it on the list to buy for our son. I decided to take advantage of the sale myself, score a litre and use it with breakfast.

It’s quite possible from the way she said it that the clerk took the same combo of products home with her after her shift. Her comment had a, “hey that’s a good idea” kind of emotion to it.

And believe me, it is a great combo. The Chocolate Cheerios are a perfect balance of whole wheat goodness (I got that from a commercial, I think) and chocolatey sweetness. When you add a little chocolate milk into the mix, it enhances the flavour of the cereal, while providing a richer taste experience than just plain white milk.

I’d recommend it to you but only for occasional use. There is a sugar factor in this concoction that, by some means unknown to scientists or chemists, supercharges your blood stream with a high concentration of blood sugars.

For a lady who was going to be standing behind a cash register for several more hours, I wouldn’t be surprised if on her mid-morning break she cracked open a box of Chocolate Cheerios, drowned them in chocolate milk and allowed the energy high she got from her fix to carry her through the rest of her shift.

For me, I have to be careful that I don’t get a hypo-glycemic reaction where I get all weak and shaky when I come down from my sugar rush. Lily better have lunch planned for right at 12 noon because this morning I’m not going to last much past that time.

It’s the price I have to pay for the enjoyment of having a breakfast that tastes like something. My regular breakfast doesn’t taste like anything. The grapefruit is good and tasty, but the oat bran is on the bland side of bland.

That cashier had me all figured out with my purchases this morning … only she didn’t have a clue what my usual morning breakfast is like. It’s hardy and would keep her going throughout her whole shift, but satisfyingly tasty? – not a chance. She better choose the Cheerios.

Here’s the thing: We can read into people’s lives and guess what’s going on. Usually we don’t know if we are right or not. But we can know what God wants for us by reading His Word. We won’t be guessing what He’s thinking either; we will find His will and plans for us as we apply His scripture to our lives and circumstances.

That’s Life!


Question: What insight from God for your life have you discovered lately? Leave your comment below.