Let’s Connect Now More Than Ever

In these times of change and uncertainty, we need to intentionally connect more with each other.

Connect Now More Than Ever

As isolation becomes more and more widespread, and the normal ways of connecting with each other become harder, if we don’t work at it, if we just accept our isolation, we will slowly cut ourselves off from others.

And that’s not good at all. We can become very self-absorbed, thinking only about ourselves and our needs.

What has encouraged me is how my church family has responded to being isolated. I have heard over and over how people have been calling each other. People, who would not normally phone others, are burning up the minutes on their phones, chatting, cheering and encouraging other people in our church community. 

I’ve been thrilled when I have phoned someone and they’ve told me that this person and that person had called them this week. My heart shouts for joy when I hear that!  

It’s a sign we care about each other and a sign we are not going to let this isolation keep us from connecting with one another. 

But there is a segment of society that we could all learn a lesson from. 

Two months ago you would never have thought that this group could teach us anything. In fact, most people have just wished that this segment of society would finish maturing and finally enter adulthood. We just considered them as adult-ish.

I’m talking about the 22 – 30-year-old single male population. 

There is no better model than them right now for us to learn how to connect together. And the crazy thing is they have been practicing it for years already. It’s just natural for them.

I’m not saying that the females of this same demographic don’t connect as well – they may, but I can only speak of what I know and have seen. And these twenty-something-year-old males are masters at connecting. 

They are highly tech savvy, so they are on their phones, burning up data at lightning speeds. They text, video chat, send pics, phone, and play group video games with headsets …sometimes they do it all at the same time. 

These males could be isolated for months – heaven help us – and yet still connect with everyone in their circle on a daily basis. They are just that good at it.

For the rest of us, outside of getting into online video gaming, we need to work hard at using the means available to us to keep connected with one another. 

I like what many people are already doing. Let’s just keep it up. We now need to connect more than ever.

Here’s the thing: While we find ways to connect with each other, we should be as intentional to look for ways to connect with God. There are the basic ways to connect with God: through His Word, and through prayer. And especially now we should be taking full advantage of these ways of connecting with Him. But let’s also not neglect connecting with God and others at the same time. Make it a habit on Sundays to tune into a livestream service, and take full advantage of online Bible studies and devotionals. We need to connect with God now more than ever.

That’s Life!


Question: What are you doing throughout the week to stay connected to God and others? Leave your comments and questions below.