You Can’t Capture It

“You just can’t quite capture it,” I thought to myself as I looked over my wife’s shoulder. She was taking pictures of the sunset.

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It was spectacular that night, but what I viewed on her screen didn’t compare to what I saw just above the horizon of her phone.

Almost every night it’s the same thing. Well, it’s different in that the sunset is brand new every night, but it is just as amazing one night to the next.

All we can do is capture a portion of it, a scaled down version and reminder of what we really saw. We can’t capture the vast scope of it, nor can we capture the depth of what our eyes drink in. There is nothing like it.

The crazy thing is it’s free. Every night it only costs us a twelve minute walk, or a three minute bike ride down to the shore to take it all in.

My wife, Lily, and I were at a market the other day where someone was selling large prints of nature scenes. There were pictures of the beach, flowers and trees in the woods.

They were all stunning and inviting. They were also so cheap I wanted to buy at least one, but we didn’t have a wall that was big enough to hang one on. And how long could I look at the same picture without wanting, needing something different to look at?

Even with the cheap cost and beauty of these images, they paled in comparison to the free sunsets that go for as far as your eye can see, until the sun dips below the horizon on the lake.

And these sunsets are different every night. One displays a pale blue sky overlaid with light orange ribbons of colour. Another is a dark red fireball that sends deep pink and purple brush stokes across the clouds to complete the vista.

You can’t keep them though. You want to take one home, to look at it and then be able to look back at it again.

And maybe again.

But it is gone when the darkness takes over and erases the enormous etch-a-sketch in the sky.

People, all kinds of them, with their cameras and phones, lingered to take captive one last shot of the never returning sunset before them.

There was a little sense of melancholy at the end, but not too much because everyone there knew there would be a new one the next night.

I was ready to go for ice cream, but Lily wanted a few more pictures and even after that she wanted to just stand and watch for a while, as if it was an intriguing drama on the big screen.

No, it’s just a sunset. It’s big and bold; it changes every day, and it’s free for all. You just can’t really capture it.

Here’s the thing: You can’t capture a picture of a sunset that really shows what it’s like, but the sunset captures you. And that is God’s intent with creation. He has made it so it will draw us to His beauty, grandeur and magnificence. We can’t capture or fully understand God, but He can capture our hearts and our minds with what He has made for us. Allow God to capture your heart; the encounter will be new and fresh every day like a sunset.

That’s Life!


Question: Where have you seen the best sunsets? Leave your comments below.

How To Capture What Your Eyes See

My new iPhone still doesn’t capture pictures the way I’d hoped it would. I’m not saying the camera in the phone isn’t very good; it takes great pictures, but it can’t capture what my eye sees.


Most of the time, we are too busy to notice the difference. Something grabs our attention so we take a quick picture, or we’re somewhere special (or not) and we take a selfie to memorialize the moment.

It’s all good, standing on a beach looking out at a sunset that spans the world from edge to edge … to try to capture that on a cell phone camera is impossible.

The scene is before you in all its glory. Your eyes span such a wide spectacle, it takes time to let the details of the colours, the images, seep into your mind to be processed by your senses.

And though your mind is a great hard drive that records and recalls beautiful and amazing images, there is an urge to stop and frame it on a camera so you can do more than just remember it in your mind. You want see it again and again even when you are not there.

That’s when the camera let’s me down. I want to have a photo of what I’m looking at – all that I’m looking at – but the camera can only give me a section of it.

Lily and I hiked in about two kilometres to the Grotto up on the Bruce Peninsula. The path takes you through a wooded area that is filled with beauty in its own right.

There were several times when we were tempted to stop and take some pictures along the way. But when we got to the end of the trail and walked out of the woods to the edge of a cliff, well I just want to show you a picture of what we saw.

The problem is I can’t because I couldn’t take a picture that did justice to what I was looking at. I kept taking pictures, in hopes that the next one would be the one that would capture it all.

Sadly, when I look at all those pictures they just look the same and they don’t reproduce the full jaw-dropping beauty of the vast panorama that was below me and before me.

We even tried to use the panorama feature on the camera in hopes that it would do it, but it only distorts and changes the persecutive into something far less spectacular than the real thing.

In the end, I’m left with a less than perfect picture and my own memory to build a model of the real image I took in that day.

Here’s the thing: We have this same problem with Christ. We only see a poor picture of what He is like; we don’t get to see Him in all His glory. I read in Colossians 1:17-18 that Christ is before all things and holds everything together, that He has supremacy over everything. It dawned on me that my image, my understanding of Him, is so limited that it is only a fraction of what He is really like. We only have something like a photo to go on to comprehend Christ’s glory, His majesty, His magnificence. We have to wait for the jaw-dropping moment when we actually see Him. But then we will never need a picture again.

That’s Life!


Question: What amazing scene do you will wish you could capture in its fullness? Leave your comment below.