How a Plan Would Have Improved My Day

From time to time I will repost an article I’ve written from the past. This post was published back in September of 2013. Enjoy.

how a plan would have improved my day

Maybe it was the weather that made me lazy, but I sure needed a plan last Saturday. I felt like I accomplished nothing, like I wasted my precious day off, like I frittered away the day.

That doesn’t happen every day to me because most days of the week I make a plan. I have things that I want or need to get done and so I put them on my reminder list or right into my calendar.  

Some people can keep it all organized in their heads, but I need to write it down. I like to see it and check it off. 

Saturday was different for me; I wasn’t motivated to do anything. Well, I was … I wanted to go for a bike ride but the rain put an end to that dream, and with it any motivation to do anything else.

It was like I was thinking, “If the weather’s not going to let me go biking, I’ll show it. I’ll do nothing instead.” I didn’t actually think that, but in hindsight that was what I was doing.

I spent my day getting lost in the new iOS for my phone and iPad. I’d look at the time every once in a while and shake my head, but then go back to the nothing I was doing.

There were a couple of things I did during the day but they weren’t things I scheduled. They were things that others scheduled for me, and they didn’t give me a sense of accomplishment.

All I really needed to do was to spend about ten minutes writing a few things down and that would have changed the pattern of my whole day. I would have gone from floating through the day to having some kind of purpose. 

Having a simple list of things I wanted to work on or complete would have also changed how I felt about my day. I would have progressed through it instead of being annoyed at how the time was advancing.

But I can’t figure out why I would keep doing something – in this case nothing – that I didn’t like doing and not do something about it. (I hope I didn’t hypnotize you with that sentence!)

But that’s what lack of planning does – it keeps one stuck in the past/present while time is still moving. It’s like for me, time was standing still, but in reality time was passing me by. 

I could say that I was tired and I needed a day of nothing, but why, at the end of the day, didn’t I feel good about the nothing I did? No, even planning one or two things would have brought me fulfillment.

Here’s the thing: If you’re not planning God into your day, either connecting, growing or serving Him, you will float along in your relationship, stuck in the past/present with Him. Time will keep moving while your relationship will be standing still. Simply thinking of how to include Him in your day is all you need to improve your day.

That’s Life!


Question: How has planning made a difference in your life? Leave your comment below.

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What Marks The Seasons Of Your Life?

The change in the seasons is marked in various ways. 

What marks the seasons

For some it is a date on the calendar that moves us from one season to another. For others the weather is a popular, telltale sign that we have entered into a new season.

Some people mark the seasonal changes by events. There are so many of them: the start of NHL hockey, baseball playoffs, and you definitely know fall is right around the corner when the NFL football season starts. 

For me, I take my cues regarding the changing of seasons from all the above. The date, the weather and events all play a part in my sensing that the new fall season has just begun. 

But there is another thing that clearly indicates that we have moved into fall, and that is when my wife, Lily, brings home the gourds.  

I’m not talking about a family with three children all with the name “Gord” – like the two Darryls in the Newhart TV show back in the 80’s.

I’m talking about gourds like pumpkin, zucchini and squash.

For some reason these are the symbol of fall in our home. I’m not sure if it’s because they all ripen at this time or they have a more earthy, dull sky, rainy look to them. 

I’m not saying I don’t like having these gourds around the house. I’m perfectly fine having them displayed in the centre of our kitchen table, just as long as one of them doesn’t go missing for a few hours and end up on my dinner plate for me to eat. 

Gourd food is nasty. Squash is nasty tasting, and I don’t care if you put butter and brown sugar on it to mask the flavour. 

You have to remember that this was a food the pilgrims ate when they first settled in North America. Sure they were thankful for it all then … they were starving at the time! 

If I didn’t have any food to eat for a week, I could probably force down a little squash to keep me alive. 

But listen, those days of being thankful for squash are long gone. Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for squash – I’m just thankful that when I see it displayed on the table that I don’t have to eat it. 

Well, the other day after Lily came home from the grocery store, I noticed four gourds proudly displayed on our kitchen table.

I know one is a pumpkin – it’s miniature in size, far too small to make a jack-o-lantern out of. Then there is a yellow gourd and two green gourds … certainly not the colours of spring or summer. 

So now it’s definitely fall. Every possible sign known to man has declared it. We just have to face it. 

We’ll be okay.

And you can be sure I’ll be counting those gourds at every meal and checking my potatoes to see if she mixed some squash in there.

Here’s the thing: Here is an exercise for us as we face a new season. What are the signs that Christ is involved in your life? How many signs of Christ’s involvement in your life can you identify? Does Christ show up every morning in your devotions? Is He around when you have decisions to make? Does Christ show up in your conversations? Take some time and list the signs. 

That’s Life!


Question: What will it take for you to be fully engaged with Christ? Leave your comments and questions below.