It’s An Antique To Me But Nobody Would Notice

I feel like I’m wearing an antique and it is only seven years old.

it's an antique to me but nobody would notice

How in the world could something under ten years old be considered old at all? In the automobile industry a car has to be 20 years old to be considered a classic. 

Where I vacation every year they hold a vintage car show where the cars all park on the beach. You see cars from the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Those machines are real antiques. 

People have put a lot of love into them and they look like they are brand new. The curves and lines on those vehicles are mesmerizing. But when you look inside you see how basic the dashboard and instrument panels are. 

An automobile can be called a classic after 20 years but, to become an antique, a car must be at least 45 years old. Then to be considered vintage, well, those cars were build between 1919 and 1930.  

At any rate, any of those classifications are far older than the tired, old thing I wear every day.

Antique furniture has an even stricter standard for old. To be considered an antique, a piece of furniture must be at least 100 years old. And most antique dealers consider vintage pieces to be 40 years or older.

So seven years is nothing, but that’s how old my watch is. Even in terms of watches, it’s not that old. … But it is an antique when it comes to smart watches. 

I have the first Apple Watch. It is so old that they didn’t even have a series number for it. I got my watch in 2015 but they didn’t start assigning series numbers to the watches until 2016. They have just started calling my Apple Watch series (0). 

And why would my watch be considered an antique? Well, first off they don’t make them anymore. You can’t buy a new one and they stopped upgrading the software for it in 2018. 

The Watch operating system (OS) that my Apple Watch runs on is 4.3.2 while the latest Apple Watch series 7 is running Watch OS 8.5.1.

You can see why my watch has been left in the dust. It’s vintage, a classic and you might even consider it an antique.

I realized how old fashioned my watch was this morning when I wanted to adjust my activities goals for the week. Every week my watch asks me what my goal is and it gives me a suggestion based on the activity I have done in the previous week. 

Truthfully, I’ve not done well at reaching my activity goals this week, so my watch suggested a lower goal for me than usual. I wanted to correct it but hit the wrong button. … To figure out how to change that goal took 15 minutes! 

Even vintage apple watches do it differently than mine. After some digging, I finally found out how to change the goal in some archive on the internet. 

It’s 7 years old and already a classic.

Here’s the thing: What has your relationship with God become? Hopefully it has matured into a sweet, beautiful, loving, cared for relationship – like a restored 1957 Chevy, or like a timeless Victorian armchair. The great thing is, if your relationship with God has become a little tired and worn, you can restore it to its full lustre with some time and attention. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to do a little work on? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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