How Someone Can Jinx Something

Okay, it does sound wrong for a pastor to talk about jinx. That’s just superstition, right? And a pastor, of all people, shouldn’t believe in superstition (touch wood . . . just kidding).


Well, no, I don’t believe in superstition, but I do have a take on jinxing something.

The other day, I was with two friends and we were deciding on where to go for lunch. My one friend came loaded with coupons from every fast food restaurant in town.

We were price-matching the coupons and it looked like Wendy’s might be the best deal.  The problem was my one friend really doesn’t like Wendy’s. So he had a dilemma since Wendy’s offered the best bargain.

Both my other friend and I were fine with square burgers, but I think it was only the cheap price that caused Don (not his real name) to give in and agree to go to Wendy’s.

Though Don agreed, it didn’t stop him from sharing his views along the way. By the time we arrived at the burger joint, we knew exactly what the issues were that kept him from being a regular patron.

When we got our food and sat down, the complaining began. He used the phrase, “See? This is what I was saying!” frequently.  And I had to admit, he was right. It really was the worst experience I had ever had at Wendy’s.

I didn’t like the bun, the burger was greasy, and the fries were like they were day olds and double fried. The fries were so bad we were comparing them to what the people a table over from us were eating.

My other friend looked down at the floor, saw a fry half squished and said the exact same thing I was thinking: “That fry looks better than the ones we ate!” … and it had probably been there for an hour!

By the end of the meal, we were all disgusted with the food. I thought if this was my only experience at Wendy’s, I would never want to come back. … It’s interesting that I had that thought after eating with a guy who came into the restaurant with a negative attitude.

I even said to him, “Don, you probably jinxed our meal.” But this is what I really think: When you get something in your mind, you become focused on it and it shapes your experience.

Ever notice when you buy a new car how many other cars of the same colour or the same make you see on the road? Your mind is now focussed that way, so your experience is slanted that way.

I’m sure if, at another time, I had been served that same meal at Wendy’s (and there’s no doubt I have), without the negative attitude, I would have focussed on what I liked about the meal and not really noticed how bad it was.

The whole jinx thing is not superstitious; it is just our mind focussing on the negative. But it works – that was one bad meal!

Here’s the thing: If you are unsure that God loves you, wants and will bring about what’s best for you, then you will question His ability and power in your life. And that will affect your life experience. You will see God as not able to do what He says. But if you are sure of God’s love, you will trust and seek His power in your life and that will change your whole life experience and perspective for the better.

That’s Life!


Question: What past negative experience has impacted your willingness to experience something again? Leave your comment below.

6 thoughts on “How Someone Can Jinx Something

  1. So true! Thanks for this reminder to guard our thoughts. Your blog is a perfect example of Proverbs 4:23 (NCV): “Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.”

  2. Hey Paul,

    Great thought. When I was divorced many moons ago, I felt like God had failed me because He didn’t answer my prayer to restore my marriage. For the longest time I viewed prayer as something like a nice chat but had no expectations for God to do anything regarding my requests. Now, after many amazing experiences in my life since then I realized it was only my wrong perception of what God should deliver. He is my loving Father who is always working for my best, regardless of the harm people or circumstances have caused me. No longer self-jinxing…

    Truth doesn’t change.

    • Hey Gary,
      Great to here from you on this. You have great insight on this. Thanks for sharing it. Hope all is going well my friend.


  3. Although jinx is used to describe the experience that went from Good to bad, some people through the use of their tongue has the the ability of life or death to dictate and rightly are annoying or agressive can be harbingers of demons or bad faith that sucks the life out of any result. The subject of jinx and bad luck should be inspected further as from experience, some people can truthfully divert good and blessings from our lives because they deeply are affected by unbelief. The highlight on un your results.

  4. I once became so focused on my friend not coming to pick me up to take me to see my lawyer. I was thinking so negatively about it that she never showed up the next day. Turns out, she partied hard the night before and slept all through the next day.

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