New Year; No Time For New Goals

Right at the end of last year I set some new goals for this year. I try to do that every year.

However, three weeks into this new year, I’m finding that I’ve had little time to get any traction towards my new goals.

I know I have a whole year to complete them, so there is no real panic yet. But the problem is I’m having a hard time finding time to schedule my goals into my calendar.

I’ve been so busy that I’ve had to set aside scheduling my goals in favour of taking care of the present, urgent events that have been before me.

It’s kind of like I have a full bottle and I’m trying to squeeze something more into it. Every time I take the lid off to try, the stuff in the bottle is pushing back.

My wife, Lily, saw a jaw-dropping sight the other day while driving. While making a turn, she noticed that she couldn’t see through the windows of an oncoming car.

I know some cars have tinted windows and you can’t see in them, let alone through them, but there was no tint on the windows of this rust bucket!

As she got closer, she thought there was paper on the windows. But that wasn’t exactly what it was.

When she got really close, what she realized she was looking at was garbage! – McDonald’s cups and wrappers, all kinds of paper and garbage were stuffed into this car. There was garbage from the floor to the roof and only one spot free for the driver.

It was truly a sight she will not forget.

That’s a little how I feel … I don’t have any room in my life to even schedule in my goals.

Something has to give in order for me to offer some attention to my new goals … before they become nothing more than broken New Year’s resolutions.

The car my wife saw was a menace on the road, not only to others but to the driver himself.

There were two mirrors that were rendered useless. First there was the right side mirror. The driver had no idea who would be coming up on his right side. If he changed lanes, he might slam his car right into another vehicle.

The rearview mirror was also blocked by garbage. He couldn’t see what was behind him. His ability to make adjustments to his driving to stay safe on the road was greatly reduced.

That’s where I think I am right now. If I was to add some new goals to my schedule, there would be things coming up on me that I wouldn’t be able to deal with. My life is so full, I really don’t have the resources to make adjustments to deal with the issues and circumstances that come up.

For me to schedule in my new goals, I need to cut out something so that I still have room in my life for the unplanned, the unexpected, and to be able to enjoy a pace of life that is healthy, not frantic.

My new goals are great, but before I schedule them I have to do some chucking of the old.

Here’s the thing: To grow in Christ, it’s not just a matter of taking on more of His characteristics; it’s also a matter of shedding some of your old, unwanted characteristics as well.

That’s Life!


Question: What garbage in your life do you need to throw out? Leave your comments below.