Mmm … That Smells So Good!

Today’s entry is a guest blog from my wife, Lily.  She does all the editing for my blogs and  awhile ago she was inspired to write one of her own.

I just love the smell of coffee!  There’s nothing quite like it.  It’s one of those aromas that’s comforting.  A house always seems cozier when you smell coffee brewing.  For some, when you wake up in the morning and smell the coffee, somehow you feel more awake, and everything seems like it’s going to be ok.  Or when you come in from a bitter February winter storm and smell coffee, you immediately start to relax and warm up … even before you get your first sip!

In fact, I like the smell of coffee so much that when I saw some coffee decorating ideas on Pinterest, I just had to try them.  I now have coffee beans in some of my candleholders, constantly emitting that delicious subtle aroma of coffee in our living room.

The other day I went to Tim’s to meet a friend.  We get together occasionally to chat and catch up on each other’s lives.  We choose to meet at Tim’s not because we’re both coffee addicts, but because it’s close and convenient for both of us.  As a matter of fact, my friend usually orders a tea, and, although I like coffee, I could honestly take or leave it.  Actually, this particular time, because I walked there, I was way too hot to drink coffee.  I ordered a water.

We enjoyed a great visit and then headed home.  As soon as I got in the door, I went to my office to check phone messages and email.  As I sat at my desk, I was suddenly aware of a wonderful aroma.  I started sniffing around … I smelled coffee!  How strange since I hadn’t made coffee in the house for a few days, and there were certainly no coffee bean filled candleholders on my desk.  I kept sniffing around perplexed.

And then it dawned on me.  The aroma of coffee was coming from me!  My clothes, my hair, and even my skin smelled like coffee.  After sitting in Tim Horton’s for almost two hours, I had obviously absorbed that coffee aroma.

That got me thinking.  Do I spend enough time with Jesus that His aroma is left on me?  Can my friends get a whiff of Jesus when they’re around me? … or do they just smell me?  Lately I have to wonder.  It’s so easy to get caught up in the daily grind, in the stress of doing life that I, too often, cut short my time with God … or crowd it out all together.  And then what’s left? – just me … just me and my busyness, or impatience, or agenda, or preoccupation with various people or things.  If I haven’t been in Jesus’ presence, how can His aroma, His fragrance, His character be transferred to me?

Just like grabbing a coffee via the drive through won’t leave the aroma of coffee on me, I’ve got to stop trying to pick up Jesus by a quick drive through.  If I want to be like Him, have His fragrance on me, then I have to park myself and spend some time with Him … maybe over a coffee!

Take care and smell good!


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