I’ve Got Nothing To Write About

This morning I have nothing to write about. It doesn’t happen all that often, but sometimes I just can’t think of anything to tackle.

Landscape Manuscript Paper kids extra big bass clef

I did start to type out a few hundred words on an idea, but it kind of fizzled and so I abandoned it. Other than that, I have nothing for this post.

I’ve sat listening to the sound of silence for close to an hour now.

Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel wrote a song called “The Sound of Silence”, but I’m not trying to comment on our inability to communicate clearly with one another, as some have suggested the song is about.

I will tell you that, as far as silence goes, there really isn’t any. There is always noise of some sort.

There is the woosh of the furnace starting up. There’s the sound of wind as the warm air is forced through the air ducts and out the vents in our house.

Even when that has stopped and you can barely detect the tick tick of a clock somewhere in the house, there is this noise in my ears, sort of like faint static between radio stations.

It reminds me of an Emerson Lake and Palmer concert I went to in 1977. It was an outside affair at CNE stadium in Toronto and, though I was halfway back from the stage, the music left my ears ringing for three days.

… Nothing has jogged my memory or pricked a thought for me to write down – well, other than to document my inability to find something to write about.

I kind of feel like I’m in a Seinfeld episode, the TV comedy show which focussed mostly on the interactions of four characters.

Seinfeld was on the air for nine years – not bad for a show about nothing.

There is a part of me that just wants to stop and go and do something else right now. I’m getting a tad bit hungry and I could really use a little breakfast.

Not long ago, in my silence, I heard my wife upstairs and I’m drawn to know what she’s doing at this moment.

The problem I have with leaving the couch and my iPad, for either of these two worthy endeavours, is that I won’t be closer to having written a blog. And I need to write a blog this morning. This is the time I’ve set aside to write and I might not have time later this week.

My wife tells me about people on social media who just post stuff they are doing at the moment, like that they are upset at their child, or they are watching TV or what they are eating for a meal – like anyone cares.

Well, I think I’ve just written a blog post like that. As Seinfeld would say, “not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

But I guess my silence has ended up producing something in me, like a “vision that was planted in my brain, still remains, within the sound of silence.”

Here’s the thing: There are times when it is difficult to hear God’s voice. Our temptation is to listen to what’s inside us and attribute it as being from God. But we should seek confirmation from God’s Word and God’s people before we attribute it to God.

That’s Life!


Question: When have you felt silenced? What did you do about it?  Leave your comment below.