I’m A Contradiction And I Don’t Care

Most people are going to think that I’m a contradiction to what I’ve said I believe and practice.

I'm a contradiction and I don't care

But before you get your shirt in a knot, I’ll assure you it has nothing to do with my faith.

There are a lot of things these day that are contradictions. For example, there was Biden’s executive order of wearing a mask on all federal premises and then he was seen on federal premises without a mask. 

I’m a contradiction because I recently wrote four blog posts about a plan for losing weight. And now in this post I’m going to tell you something that seems to go directly against all I wrote in those previous posts.

Adults have this problem of not acting out what they say they believe. Parents will even tell their children, “Do as I say, not as I do.” The reason they say that is because what they are telling their children directly contradicts something that they are doing. 

No wonder, by the time kids reach junior or high school, they no longer believe anything their parents say. To teens, their parents are a contradiction. 

We’ve seen in our society where people condemn the violence that took place at the Capital Building, but then defend the violence of the many protests which took place in US cities during the summer.

We are a complete contradiction. 

So be kind to me when I tell you I just bought a deep fryer. 

That’s right, I wrote about how you can lose that weight you desperately want to get rid of and then I bought a deep fryer. 

It’s like I was saying, “Do this, but I’m going to do something contradictory instead.” 

It seems like I’m a contradiction and not just on the surface. You may be thinking “I’d like to see you get out of this one, you phony.”

Though I admit it seems like I’m a contradiction, I really am not. 

You see, the four posts I wrote about losing weight were not tied to a diet. I didn’t encourage anyone to only eat certain foods. In those posts I was advocating a lifestyle. I was saying this is how you can live your life and lose weight. 

One of the things I do each week is have chicken wings. I didn’t stop eating chicken wings in order to lose weight. I am, however, careful not to eat them too often. 

But I enjoy them and I will enjoy my life. 

Recently, the place where I get my wings each Saturday night (and I only have them once a week) has been closed. I’m not sure they will open up again, but if they do, they were going to start selling fish as well. 

Lily is highly allergic to fish, so it was looking like the end of getting wings there any way … best wings in town, by the way.

So I thought I would try to make my own wings. There is no difference in ordering wings from a restaurant once a week or making them myself once a week. 

No contradiction. 

By the way, they were delicious. … Now I’ve just got to perfect my hot sauce recipe. 

Here’s the thing: There are some people who say that the Bible is filled with contradictions. That is as good a reason as any for them not to believe the Bible. But the truth is, if you take a deep and closer look into what the Bible really does say, you will find that the seeming contradictions are not there at all. 

That’s Life!


Question: What might be some contradictions you are living with now? And what will you do about them? Leave your comments and questions below.

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