My Empty Sign Has Me Thinking Of Its Future

My sign is empty and I don’t know what to fill it with. I’ve always had something to put on my sign … so is this the end?

my empty sign has me thinking of its future

I’m wondering, “Do I just take the sign down and forget about it?”

There have been times when I struggled to come up with something to write about for this blog, but I never seriously considered discontinuing it. Sure the thought crossed my mind, but my page never stayed empty long enough for me to give up on it.

My sign has been empty for a couple of weeks and, for two weeks before that, it had an outdated message on it.

Maybe I should explain myself … 

On a dividing wall between our living room and kitchen we have a wooden frame that you can arrange letters on. There are several lines in this frame and I put messages on it. 

Some messages anticipate something special coming up like our daughter’s wedding or an important birthday. Some of the messages reflect what is going on in my head and emotions. And then there are some messages that are whimsical like a line from a song that introduces a season of weather. 

We got this frame about three years ago when we were on vacation at our cottage. One day we took a trip into town and since Lily likes going to the store, Winners, we ended up there. 

I don’t really like going in there but when I finished touring through the neighbouring Princess Auto store, well, then I joined her in Winners.

When we’re on vacation, we don’t really have an agenda. So I just wandered around seeing if anything caught my eye. I had no hopes of anything; there was nothing I was particularly looking for. 

My job was complete and Lily had found what she wanted so we made our way to the cashier. 

They are smart at Winners. You don’t just go up to the cashier. You have to weave your way through low-lying shelves on both sides of you where you are tempted and tested to pick up items you have no desire for and know you shouldn’t buy … but they are staring right at you, looking homeless on the shelves. 

Well, just as we were about to enter this tunnel of temptation, I saw this message board and it grabbed my attention. 

I don’t know why, but I wanted it. I thought it would be great to put weekly or daily inspirational messages on it. 

So we bought it. 

Since that time, I’ve been the sign guy. I’ve always had something to fill up the spaces on the rows. But in this last month, I’ve lost my desire to even think of something to put on that message board. It’s been empty now for two weeks.

I think either I come up with a message today, or the last phrase I will put on that sign is “All good things come to an end”. 

Here’s the thing: Like with my empty sign when you go through a dry spell connecting with God, you might consider not trying any more. But you have to ask yourself, “How important is my relationship with God?” Is it something I should cast aside, or just ignore? Then try a new approach, get a devotional guide, connect in a different spot or at a different time. Put the effort into finding new ways to connect with Him.

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to put some renewed effort into? Leave your comments and questions below.

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This Trend Needs To Change Quickly

Do you ever notice how a trend or popular belief gathers great support? It’s like there is a momentum and the trend or belief becomes bigger and bigger. 

this trend needs to change quickly

In social media they would say something has gone viral. 

I remember getting to the edge of a field with my brother and a friend one winter’s night. The conditions were perfect for making snowballs and we tossed a few at each other. 

Then we each started rolling a snowball in the snow. As we rolled, the snowballs got bigger and bigger. We ended up abandoning two of them and together pushed one snowball. By the time we got to the end of the field, it was over four feet high. 

It was huge; it had snowballed! … That’s what you call it when something gathers steam and becomes bigger than life. 

We have seen these kinds of trends over the last several years. 

One of these trends is an attitude that is very prevalent today. I would say that this attitude has snowballed; it’s gone viral. 

It’s an attitude of, “if you don’t agree with me, I hate you.” 

We often say it in different ways though. Some might call it cancel culture. We might label it as “vaxers” or “antivaxers”. 

It gets expressed as “liberal” or “conservative”. 

Hey, this same attitude can be found in gender talk these days.

The topic may be different, but the attitude is the same: if you don’t agree with me, I hate you. And I believe you hate me.

You have to wonder how we got here, to this attitude. But more surprisingly, how did we get here so fast? 

Well, that’s the thing with a snowball or something viral – it picks up steam really quickly. 

Just look at Covid. It spread really, really quickly. We went from not knowing much about it in November 2019 to full lockdowns around the world by March 2020. 

This attitude of “I hate you if you don’t agree with me” is definitely disturbing. 

But I came across a verse – actually two verses – in the Bible that kind of stopped me. 

I read 1 John 3:16 and the reference reminded me of John 3:16. When I thought about the content of these two verses, they just dovetail together. 

They were both written by the same Apostle John, but they may have been written up to 10 years apart. Then someone else over a thousand years later added the verse numbers to the text. 

It’s remarkable that these two verses share such a connection … and a message that we all need to hear right now. It goes very much against the trending attitude of “if you don’t agree with me, I hate you.”

John 3:16; 1 John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” … “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.”

In these two verses lies an important truth that we should love one another, not hate each other. 

Here’s the thing: A trend is a trend because the masses pick up on them. But a Christian should follow the Bible and not the trends. If you know Christ as your Saviour, be anti-cultural in this. Love those you disagree with and show kindness to them in word and deed.

That’s Life!


Question: What attitude have you struggled with lately? Leave your comments and questions below.

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An Expiry Date May Be On The Horizon

Things have an expiry date, they stop working or they get phased out. 

an expiry date may be on the horizon

Have you ever taken a good hard look at your closet? I don’t mean just opening it up and grabbing a shirt or a pair of pants. I mean really looking at what all is in there. 

We don’t do this enough and that is why our closets are stuffed full.

When you look in your closet with a desire to really see what is there, you find things you don’t wear any more. 

In my closet I have a section of shirts I wear in the winter and a section of shirts I wear in the summer. But I also have a section of shirts I don’t wear at all.

Never … any more that is.

But those shirts stay in my closet year after year. 

I have some shirts that I still wear that I’ve had for years. But I have some clothes that have gone out of style or they don’t fit me, or they have gone out of style AND don’t fit me. 

I say that because there are a few items in my closet that don’t fit but if I reduced my mass, I would definitely wear them. I keep those clothes because I have hope. It might be fanciful hope, but it is still hope. 

I really could get rid of a third of my shirts on the basis that I don’t wear them and probably will never wear them again.

I don’t think I am different from most people. We could all do a clothing purge.

Shirts and pants are not the only things that don’t last forever. Almost everything we have has a time limit on it – like the two hard drives I need to replace in the next three months.

I have to replace them not because they don’t work. They have been working fine for a number of years. The company that makes these hard drives has just decided to stop supporting them. 

They are giving plenty of time to get a replacement and are emailing me weekly reminders of their expiry date. 

Hey, they are even offering to give me a discount if I purchase a new hard drive that they will continue to support … until they don’t. 

These drives are not just external hard drives you plug into your computer. These drives attach to your network and are accessible remotely. The information I have stored on them I can access from anywhere at any time. 

But I guess it’s the end of the run for these hard drives. I can still store information on them, but now I’ll have to plug them into my computer to access any of it. They will make great paper weights when they are replaced.

I like the idea of the discount and I probably will take advantage of it. 

Wouldn’t it be great if there was such a discount with the old clothes we don’t wear any more?  

There’s the thing: Everything has an expiry date; nothing lasts forever. You and I have an expiry date as well. We, however, are not going to get emails every week warning us of when we will expire. We need to be prepared for that date in advance. Don’t wait too long. Be sure to have a relationship with Christ Jesus so that when your expiry date comes, you go to be with God in heaven.

That’s life!


Question: What in your life is expiring that you need to do something about? Leave your comments and questions below.

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New Year Same As The Old Year

Meet the new year – will it be the same as the old year? 

New year same as the old year

Back in 1971, The Who had a hit song called, “Won’t Get Fooled Again”. If that sounds familiar it’s because the song was used as the theme song for “CSI”, the original Crime Scene Investigation show on TV.

But there is a line in the song that came to my mind when I was thinking about the new year. The line is “meet the new boss, same as the old boss”. I thought to myself, “Here we are at the beginning of a new year, same as the old year.” 

Or will it be the same as the old year? 

That is certainly up for debate at this point since we are only a couple of days into the year. But there are signs that could give some credence to that line.

We are starting 2022 much like we started 2021. We have high numbers of covid and a push to get everyone to get a shot or booster. People are still encouraged to isolate, keep distanced, wear a mask. These measures all have a great impact on how we work, how we socialize, how we spend our free time. 

As we begin this year, we could wonder if we will be in the same place at the end. Or will there be some differences? 

There are some things that point to a different year ahead. The major virus threat right now, Omicron, is a much weaker variety than the previous versions. Maybe these variants will just get weaker and weaker. 

Whether this year will be the same as last year seems right now to be dependent on covid. Getting back to The Who’s song, “Won’t Get Fooled Again”, those lyrics might be something we should consider. 

At the beginning of a new year, will we fall into the same patterns, same responses we did in the past year, or will we choose to do some things differently to forge a new path ahead?

We all know the definition of insanity is “doing the same things over and over, but expecting a different result.”

To start a new year that won’t be the same as the old year, I need to determine to do something differently. And that requires some thought, planning and purpose. 

This year will be much like last year if we don’t put some thought into what might make this year different. If we don’t, we will generally just follow the pattern we had from the year before. … Sing it with me “Same as the old year”.

What I will do during the first week of 2022 is take a review of my last year, note what I did and didn’t do, and then plan to do some new things or further some things from the year before. I won’t choose too many because I have found that when I do that I get bogged down and don’t accomplish them.

This year will be different because I have a plan.

Here’s the thing: When I plan for the year ahead, I seek what God has planned for me. God’s plans never fail, so if I want to be sure I accomplish something different in 2022, I will need to consult with Him. 

That’s Life!


Question: I’ve use a specific guide to aid me in my planning process. If you are interested in a copy of it, let me know in the comments below.

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Christmas Tree Memories

From time to time I will repost an old article. This post is from December 2015, I hope you enjoy.

This morning I’m sitting in our family room looking at our Christmas tree. The lights from the tree and the winter village are the only lights that are on.  

Christmas tree memories

The tree lights draw my focus in and, as I sit quietly alone, I can’t help but reflect on what the tree represents. 

I know that some people say that the Christmas tree is some pagan holiday symbol that we’ve stolen and now use as a symbol of Christmas. I don’t get too hung up on that because for years we sang hymns that had stolen their tunes from old bar songs. 

It’s almost like hymn writers were the first “Weird Al Yankovic”. And if you don’t know who Weird Al is, don’t worry about it – it’s not important to my Christmas tree reflection.

To me this Christmas tree has become a burden and a blessing. And this year we decided to be done with the burden part. 

You see, for the last 30 years Lily and I have exchanged Christmas decorations, and since our kids were born they also have received decorations. So let me do a little calculating here … that works out to 110 ornaments!  

No wonder Lily sighs when she thinks about putting the decorations on the tree. But that’s nothing – our poor Christmas tree starts drooping in preparation for all that extra weight on its branches.

Let me tell you about the burden … These decorations are not just any decorations. They have to reveal something about the kind of year that person has had, or something memorable in that person’s year.

Like the year we vacationed without the kids, I got a small picture frame and added a picture of two people in beach chairs on a beach. The year the doctor told me my triglycerides were sky high, I went on a diet to get them down. Lily gave me a grapefruit ornament that said “the year of the grapefruit” to remind me of my progress. 

At first I didn’t take this ornament giving too seriously. I think for the first four Christmases I got her a red ball decoration that said “our first, second, third … Christmas together”.  

But that didn’t last. They don’t make “our 13th Christmas together” shiny hanging balls. 

There were some dark years that I had to struggle to find a theme for the year. Eventually I ended up making many of my ornaments. That in itself took a lot of work. 

It seemed sometimes that it was more work than it was worth. But on Christmas morning when Lily would open her gift, her reaction was always worth the effort I put into it.

But year after year it’s a burden, and there’s not much room on the tree anymore. I suggested that from now on we should just pick a ten year period and only put decorations up from that decade. 

She didn’t like that idea. Instead, out of the blue one day, Lily said maybe we should stop giving ornaments to each other. I jumped at the suggestion and said, “Great idea; let’s stop.” 

So I’m looking at the tree right now, with all its memories, because that’s what they are. The burden is over; I don’t have to make another ornament. But the blessing … the blessing of the memories that fill that tree will continue to bring comfort to my mind. 

Here’s the thing: Remember special times in your spiritual life, like when you accepted Christ, when you made a spiritual breakthrough, how God met a need, how He helped you at a crucial time in your life. It’s those memories that will stay present with you, and give you comfort in the years to come. 

That’s Life!


Question: What traditions do you have that bless you with great memories? Leave your comment below.

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The Right Perspective Is A Game Changer

I’m learning how to create the right perspective in a drawing. It’s all about how your eyes see things in the distance. 

the right perspective is a game changer

This past spring I got a new iPad and along with it I got an Apple Pencil. I didn’t know exactly what I would use it for, but I really liked how well it worked and how responsive it was. 

So in the summer, on vacation, I started to fool around with using the pencil to draw things.

It had been years since I had done any drawing whatsoever … unless you count doodling on scrap paper while I’m talking on the phone. I do remember way back when I was in high school that I used to draw the album covers from some of my favourite artists.

I have absolutely no training. I don’t know anything about lines, shading or anything, including perspective. Some of my drawings I liked; others were pretty bad – certainly not good enough to show anyone, although I did keep them. 

When Lily and I had our kids, going out and getting a babysitter was kind of expensive for us. So we tried some creative dating at home. 

Once I came home with a couple of pads of drawing paper and some pencils. Lil, who is talented in drawing and painting, drew something that looked good. What I drew, well, I can’t remember, but it was not so hot. 

Fast forward to this year. In the summer, a couple of drawings I did needed some perspective and I found that really hard to draw. So I asked Lily and she gave me some tips and showed me what I needed to be doing. 

Still it was tough to get the right perspective. 

You have to be able to locate the vanishing point and make the drawing get smaller towards that point. Then everything looks right in the picture. 

Perspective is not just important for drawing pictures, but also for other things. 

Last night I was at a hockey game and had a person sitting right beside me. 

When the arena was designed, it was done with great care to make sure there were good sight lines all over the rink. Our seats are near center ice and we can see both ends … that is if people sit properly. 

The person sitting next to me decided to sit a little forward in her seat. In other words, she didn’t have her back against the back of her seat. 

Well, that wrecked my perspective. The arena’s design works and everyone can see only if everyone has their back against the back of their seat. If someone sits forward they take the sight lines away and you can’t see what is happening in the corners. 

She understood what she was doing to my sight lines when I mentioned it. But it wasn’t long before she was sitting forward again and taking away my perspective.

… I would have sketched her but I couldn’t get the right perspective. 

Here’s the thing: Things get blocked or they just don’t look right when you don’t have the right perspective. It’s also true with God. Without the right perspective, we don’t see Him correctly or He may be blocked from our view. Get the right perspective by reading God’s word, the Bible. It gives us a very clear picture of Him. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need proper perspective on right now? Leave your comments and questions below. 

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We Hesitate When We Should Reach Out

We often hesitate asking for help with things that are not really important. We will often keep putting our own effort into things, or live without them. 

we hesitate when we should reach out

Sometimes we just let time take care of it. 

Letting time take care of something is when you lose interest or, by chance, it just works out in the end.

That doesn’t happen very often.

Recently I was concerned about winter tires for Lily’s car. She doesn’t have any and I wasn’t sure where I should get them.

However, the guy who cuts my hair is also a car guy. I had been meaning to ask him about getting winter tires for Lily’s car but kept putting it off. 

Finally, the other day while I was getting my hair cut, I remembered to ask him. 

He said he found a cheaper way to get tires than through his old source. He told me to go online and order tires and they would deliver them right to our door. 

It sounded like it was a good deal – real easy – so when I got home I tried it. … They don’t have winter tires for Lily’s car. 

Now I’m back in the same place I was before I asked my barber. I could go back to him but it’s just a little thing. I thought I could research it myself and go to a shop to get them locally. 

Meanwhile time is going by, the cold weather is coming and we still don’t have a line on tires. 

It’s such a little thing, but I’ve hesitated calling him back for help again. 

Maybe I’m the only one like this, but I will sit on something small when it could be taken care of very easily and quickly by someone else. 

One time I had a computer issue and struggled with it for a long time. Finally I phoned my brother who simply told me to restart my router. I did it and everything worked after that. It was that simple, but it cost me a lot of time and aggravation until I called him. 

We should be quicker to ask for help on those small things that we hesitate bothering anyone about. 

This week I was in a prayer meeting and a guy asked for prayer about a very minor thing. He just wanted a technician to call him back. 

We  prayed about it and, as I was praying, I thought he would get an answer quickly.

Later that day I got a call from my friend. Soon after the prayer meeting he had received a phone call from the technician who was able to relieve his mind about when his project would be started.

I wasn’t surprised at all by what my friend told me. I knew that the answer would come. 

Here’s the thing: Sometimes we hesitate to ask God for those small things. We don’t want to bother Him or they seem too petty to waste His time on. One thing I know is that there are no requests too small for God to respond to. You can take anything to Him in prayer. He loves it when we ask Him. 

That’s Life!


Question: What little thing should you ask God about? Leave your comments and questions below.

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An Inappropriate Time For Something To Happen

Have you ever worried about something happening to you at an inappropriate time? 

an inappropriate time for something to happen

Sure, that’s why we take certain precautions to make sure we have done all we can to prevent something unwanted from happening.

I know that when I go up to speak anywhere I always check to see if my fly is done up. Now I wouldn’t say it’s something I worry about, but it crosses my mind and I don’t want to be that guy.

I witnessed that happen in high school once. The teacher was substitute teaching an algebra class. His fly was down and he didn’t know it. 

At one point, he even sat on the corner of a girl’s desk in the front row. That’s when we could hardly stand it any longer. The snickers from the class got pretty audible and the girl in the front started to blush. 

The teacher realized something was wrong, went to the blackboard and started writing. When he turned around, his fly was done up … but there were chalk marks all around the area. 

Well that was it! We lost it! The teacher immediately left the class and we had the rest of our class cancelled. 

You have to protect yourself from those unexpected, unplanned, inappropriate things. 

We are in the fall season right now, but for me it is also nose bleed season. 

I don’t know what it is, whether it is too dry or the veins in my nose can’t hold the barometric pressure, but I get my fair share of nose bleeds at this time of year. 

And they are unexpected. I never know when they are going to come on.

I could be bending over to pick something up, I could gently blow my nose, I could be in the shower with the water pouring down on my head. 

… All of a sudden, boom, I start leaking. 

Several times I’ve feared that I would be preaching on Sunday morning and, right in the middle of a point I was trying to emphasis, my nose would give out. 

… Or when I’m playing hockey and get bumped, it would start.  

But that hasn’t ever happened. 

Believe me, any time you have a nose bleed, it is an inappropriate time. 

Last week I had four nose bleeds in one day – two of the them while I was in bed. Both times it was amazing. I woke up and, as if on cue, it started to bleeding. 

But the worst was on Saturday morning. I play hockey at 7:30 and at about 6:40 my nose started bleeding. I held it for about 15 minutes, which is usually enough for it to stop. But for some reason it didn’t; I had to hold it longer. By the time I got the leak stopped, it was too late to get to hockey. 

Just another inappropriate time for something like that. 

Here’s the thing: Temptation never comes at an appropriate time. It comes when you least expect it. It comes when you are least prepared. But you always have a recourse if you will take it. You can call out to God for help. He will give you the strength to resist the temptation. 

That’s Life!


Question: What inappropriate thing has happened to you? Leave your comments and questions below.

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A Minority Now Will Eventually Lead To A Majority

Sometimes it seems like you’re in the minority when you know you should be in the majority. 

A minority now will eventually lead to a majority

We all have liked things that we thought would be popular, but it turned out that it wasn’t so. 

For instance, you watched a television show in its first season and really liked it. You couldn’t wait for the next episode. But after that first season, it went off the air and you wondered, “Why didn’t everyone like that show?” 

For some reason you were in the minority. 

Or maybe they stopped manufacturing your favourite car. How could it not be popular? 

When I was a kid, I always liked the Cadillac Eldorado. I thought it looked cool. I really liked the 1967 and 68 models.

Well, apparently not everyone thought like me because by the 70’s they became much more boxy. They hardly resembled the look that had attracted me.

Don’t you kind of wish the whole world thought like you and had the same likes and dislikes as you? After all, how could you not be in the majority? 

It’s a sad reality that our preferences are not everyone’s preferences … even worse, our preferences may be in the minority. 

Years ago my dentist told me I needed to floss my teeth every day. Basically, from that time on I did. 

Over the years I’ve used a variety of products to floss my teeth, but there has been one that I have found to be better than others. 

I like to use wishbone-shaped flossers. For years I used a device that basically looked like a mini slingshot. You just wrapped the dental floss around a button on the handle, then around the two ends, then back around the button. 

It worked like a charm. 

It wasn’t a throw away type of device; you just kept buying dental floss to use in it. But then they became hard to find. I probably needed a new one every six months or so, but I was unable to locate them in stores. 

My thought was, “Why isn’t everyone using these flossers? How could they stop making them?”

I found a throw away kind that was much more flimsy, but it worked. It was still in the shape of a wishbone. 

But over the last few years that style has become harder and harder to find. Instead, the alternative is flossers with a side handle. 

I don’t understand how anyone could like these things. You can’t get to your back teeth with them and when you try, you end up looking like the Joker from Batman because you’ve had to stretch the side of your mouth out to about your ear to reach those back molars! 

But I guess I’m in the minority, that a majority of people who floss like the side handle shape better. It’s possible that those people only have about 14 teeth on the bottom and the top. 

I can’t believe I’m in the minority on this, but the lack of availability of the flossers I like has proved otherwise. 

Here’s the thing: When I grew up, I thought everyone went to church. It didn’t take long before I realized that many people didn’t. As I grew older, I realized I was in the minority believing in the God of the Bible. I have come to accept that for now, but I know there will be a day that the truth will be made plain and everyone will know Jesus came to save us. I will be in the majority then, though it will be too late for some. 

That’s Life!


Question: What are you surprised about being in the minority on?

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Being Picky Is Not Someone Else, It’s You

Being picky is not something that should characterize anyone. Everyone is picky about some things; I know I’m not the only one. 

being picky is not someone else, it's you

When it comes to food, some people might say that I am picky. 

My roots are from England and I guess, traditionally, the food there is not the most adventurous on the planet. 

I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t consider it a meal unless there is some kind of meat involved. When it comes to meals, I don’t like to venture out into things I don’t know. 

I like certain vegetables, but not others. I think this is where my wife, Lily, gets the idea that I’m picky. There are edible objects like squash, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts that I will not eat – they are nasty and why should I?

I’m not a fan of broccoli either, but I eat it because apparently it’s good for you. From the way it tastes, it shouldn’t be good for you, but I guess I’ll take their word for it. 

Because I won’t eat some of these excuses for vegetables, my wife condemns me for being picky. I’m not picky; there are many vegetables that I will willing eat and enjoy eating. I’m just selective.

The knock, though, is that I’m being picky and she is not. 

Lily may not be too picky when it comes to food … well, even that’s not true. She has an allergy to fish and seafood. She’s always asking at restaurants if they fry the chicken in the same oil as the fish. 

Honestly, I’m happy to give her a pass on that pickiness. I would like her around for a long time. 

But just this weekend her pickiness perked its ugly head. 

We need a new light fixture in our bathroom. The fixture looks great and is not that old, but one of the sockets has a short. Both of us are getting tired of getting ready in the morning in light that resembles a sunset, just after the sun has sunken below the horizon. 

Unfortunately we were busy this weekend and didn’t get to a hardware store to look for something new. 

Lily had to visit her mother today and, this being my day off, I told her I would go and buy a new light fixture. 

I could see the panic come over her face and then the word, “noooo”. 

Am I incapable of choosing and installing a light fixture in the bathroom without her? Not at all. But choosing one she likes? – that she doesn’t think I’m capable of. Why? 

Because she’s picky. 

Lily doesn’t think I can choose a light fixture that she would enjoy looking at for the next ten or more years. 

When I floated the idea by her last night, she dropped what she was doing and started looking online for a fixture she might like. 

Guess how many she found? None. That’s because she’s picky.

Here’s the thing: Every one of us can find something we are picky about. Even God is picky when it comes to whom He will welcome into His family. Only those who place their faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord are welcome. But here is the great news: every one of us can make ourselves acceptable to God by acknowledging Jesus’ sacrifice as being for us personally, and trusting in Him for our salvation.

That’s Life!


Question: What are you picky about? Leave your comments and questions below.

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