Ask Questions To Become More Inquisitive

I’m not usually one who likes to ask questions, but I think I will try to be a little more inquisitive from now on. 

ask questions to become more inquisitive

There are some people who like to ask questions, especially to question things that seem obvious. They like to push the envelope. When the sky is blue, these people ask why it is blue.

… I’m not sure why, but I don’t like to ask more questions.  

Apparently, women are more likely to ask questions than men … maybe I’m just normal. 

We’ve all been told how most men when they are lost will just aimlessly try to find their way on their own. They will refuse to stop and ask someone for help. Women are more likely to stop the first person they see to ask for directions. 

I’m not sure there are statistics on this phenomenon but it certainly has proven to be true in our family.

There is just something about asking questions that I have a hesitancy to do.  

But maybe I need to change. Maybe I need to ask more and not just take what I see as obvious. 

The other day Lily and I were in Home Depot. We were browsing around, looking at a few things. But I had something specific on my mind. 

I wanted to get a folding table and was hoping that maybe they would have something in the size I needed. I had been to their website and found absolutely nothing. Now I planned to go up and down every aisle to see if there was some hidden section of the store that I didn’t know about. 

In my investigation I found they did in fact have an area with folding tables. But there wasn’t the one I was looking for. I wanted something small and adjustable in height. 

Then Lily saw a label on a shelf for the very table I was looking for, but there was none to be found. They had 48 inch long tables but they were all out of the 20” x 30” tables. 

That bugged me even more than if they didn’t carry them at all. To come that close to getting one and then being shut out was a real disappointment. 

Lily simply said, “Let’s ask someone.” 

“Why do we need to ask anyone? It’s obvious they don’t have any. The shelf is empty.” I replied.

She continued, “Maybe they have them somewhere else.” 

I thought it was a lost cause, but Lily decided to ask anyway. 

She found someone with an inventory checker and, sure enough, the system said they had sixteen – ya, not one or two or none; they had sixteen! 

Well, after some digging, the Home Depot guy found them. 

I got my table … and made the decision to ask more questions from now on. 

Here’s the thing: We face many things in life that we take for granted. Maybe we grew up believing something, or maybe we have been told something so many times we just take it to be the truth. But, when it comes to God and eternity, we need to make sure we ask questions. Don’t just write God off; ask Him to reveal Himself to you in some way. You knowing God and what He has provided for you is the only way to unlock spending eternity with Him. Don’t be afraid to ask. 

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to ask more questions about? Leave your comments and questions below.

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