Up Early Christmas Morning … Again!

Well, this year I’ve come full circle. I thought it would take longer for it to happen, like maybe not until I was 80 or 85.


But no, it’s happened already.

In life we start out needing help for pretty much everything and, at the end, we also need more and more help.

They say seniors and teens have lots in common. They both can’t hear – one group because of head phones, the other because, well … they just can’t hear.

They both have no filters on what they say; they say exactly what they’re thinking.

You don’t like their music and they sure won’t tolerate yours.

Each thinks the other doesn’t know anything.They both don’t remember what you said to them five minutes ago.

And they’re both really dangerous behind the wheel of a car!

I’m not saying these things are observable right now in my life, but there is one thing.

When I was a kid I used to get up real early on Christmas morning. It was understandable; I was excited about the presents and all.

Then I went through the stage where I slept in on Christmas morning because I was tired and not that excited about what was under the tree.

But this year, in this way, I’ve reverted back to my childhood. I was up at the crack of dawn Christmas morning.

That’s right, 5:55 in the morning and I was climbing out of bed!

The difference this year was I passed by the treasures in the living room and headed straight downstairs.

I spent time alone doing my devotions and then I worked on my sermon.

We had determined the night before that we would get things rolling at our house at about 10 am so I figured I would have a few hours of productivity first.

By the time people were stirring and visions of sugar plums were starting to fade, I had a couple of hours of work completed on my sermon.

I had tried to work ahead, but I just hadn’t been able to finish my sermon before Christmas Eve for the Sunday after Christmas.

With only a couple of days in between, it meant writing on Christmas Day or Boxing Day. I didn’t want to miss out on time with my family so I thought, “I have an opportunity here to use unused, discarded time to get things done.”

I had just put the final strokes on my message when I heard some footsteps from above. For a second I thought it  was old Saint Nick making his yearly visit but then I realized it was only my wife heading into the kitchen.

As the house came alive and everyone gathered for some breakfast, I emerged from the basement, sermon complete, ready to enjoy Christmas morning with my family with no pressure hanging over my head.

But just like the young, about mid afternoon I was ready for a nap.

Here’s the thing: Often we think those early hours are time to sleep, and not good for anything. But those early quiet hours can be the most special time we can have with God.

Merry Christmas Everyone!


Question: What have you seen come full circle in your life? Leave your comment below.

Have You Made This Mistake In Completing A Project

Mistakes are common occurrences; I made a mistake the other day (oh, and I just made another one). Mistakes are the fuel of great discoveries, amazing breakthroughs, and huge successes.

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The key in making a mistake is to learn from it, use it to help point you in the right direction.

The other day, I looked out our back window and gazed at our back fence, where the lattice along the top of it had all been punched out the night before.

Back in the spring, one night some teens had walked by our property and punched a hole in our lattice . . . in 5 sections of it! It was rather disturbing. But when I went out to take a closer look, I was able to push the lattice back into place.

There were a few broken pieces, and it didn’t go back exactly like new, but it looked pretty good. So I left it. I figured I wasn’t going to fix it until school was out.

I didn’t want to immediately give those kids another target, and I didn’t want to give them the satisfaction that I had to fix it. In my mind, leaving the lattice sent the message that it really didn’t put me out.

Well summer came and went and I never got around to fixing my fence. Finally, the other day I knew it was time to replace the lattice because it got punched out again.

I couldn’t help being ticked off about having to do the work. I kind of wanted to get back at them.  You know, maybe booby trap the lattice, making it spring-loaded so if they punched it again, it would bounce right back in their faces. Or, maybe hide out and wait for them (maybe not). Or put a spy camera in my backyard to catch them.

I pictured them as angry teenagers, or maybe some tough karate kid who was showing off.

Then I started thinking back, trying to remember if I did stuff like that when I was a teen … and, yes, I did stupid things like that! I couldn’t think too poorly of them – they were much like me. I didn’t write myself off, so I shouldn’t write them off either.

I went to the store, found the lattice and purchased the five sheets I needed.

Back at the house, I gathered all my tools together, ladder, hammer, skill saw etc., and got to work. In one hour I had all five sections of lattice replaced. I stepped back and it looked good, and I thought, “Why didn’t I do this sooner? … like 5 months ago?!”

Not only does it look better to me and everyone else who walks by, but the new lattice is stronger, and it will be harder for someone to punch through again (they might need a green belt or something).

So far, I’ve been able to give my neighbour advice on fixing his lattice, there have been no more school dances – no punched in lattice … I’ll keep you posted.

Here’s the thing: When you have a question reading scripture, or from a sermon, or in a Bible Study, don’t put off seeking an answer to that question. Take time to dig deeper. Gather your tools: Bible, concordance, commentary, a book on the topic (most of these are available online).  You’ll resolve the issue, you will be stronger in your faith, and you’ll be able to help others.

That’s Life!


Question: What will it take for you to get working on that project or question that you have been putting off? Leave your comment below.