Take a Mini Break To Recharge Your Batteries

It’s amazing what a mini break will do for you. Recently, we took the opportunity to get away for a couple of days and it turned out to be just what we needed.


I wouldn’t say that all short getaways are relaxing and rejuvenating. In some situations they can add to the hurried pace we already live at.

When you take a weekend and go somewhere new, you usually don’t end up changing your pace of life that much. Thus you don’t experience the rest you need to recharge your batteries.

Don’t get me wrong, those kind of getaways are nice. They say that sometimes a change is as good as a rest. But when you get back to work and the regular schedule you keep, you still feel like you could have used a breather.

The reason is, when you go somewhere new, there is the urge to see or do that something new.

So by the time you get back home, you feel like you’ve been in a bit of a whirlwind, like it was great and all but you feel exhausted, tired, or hurried.

However, when you go somewhere familiar, some spot that is yours, there is a comfort in that place that puts you at ease, encourages you to relax.

We had two days – less than 48 hours – at our cottage, but as soon as we got there we were in chill mode. There was nothing to check out, nothing that was unexpected, no arrangements that needed to be made once we got there.

It was like coming home and, much like the way you feel after being on an extended vacation, it always feels good to get back home. Well, it felt good to be at the cottage again.

There was nothing to set up, no pressure, everything was familiar. We didn’t have to unwind; just being there unwound us.

We got up when we wanted to, no checkout time, no appointments to keep … except the self-imposed meeting with the beach. There was nothing hurried or pressing, just life in “slow mo”.

It’s like when they show you a highlight on Sports Centre in regular speed – it looks amazing. But when you see it in slow mo, then you see details you missed in regular speed.

That’s what it’s like to take a mini break somewhere that’s familiar. You enjoy the little details, the colours in the yard, the conversations around the fire pit, the quietness on the deck, the sound of the waves.

In a very short amount of time, the dial gets turned down and your muscles start to relax. Your heart beats a little slower and you feel like you’ve had a rest.

Here’s the thing: Life can get you all twisted up, all tied in knots, and spiritually you can feel disconnected or distant from God, making your Christian life a drudgery. The best way to get things back on track is to take a mini break with God. He and His Word are what’s familiar. But then do something out of the ordinary: spend a little extra time with Him, ask yourself new questions about the text, spend some time quietly listening to Him, change the location of where you meet with Him. Whatever time you spend with Him, make it a little extra. You’ll feel rested and rejuvenated if you do.

That’s Life!


Question: Where could you go to take a mini spiritual break this week? Leave your comment below.