Once Is Enough Or Should I Keep Up With It?

If I can do things once, I will work very hard to make that happen. 

once is enough or should I keep up with it?

I think I’ve always been a “once” kind of guy. 

When I’ve had some dishes that needed to be carried to the kitchen, I’ve loaded myself up. 

At other times I’ve taken so many clothes downstairs to be washed that I’ve dropped some along the way. 

… But that has never stopped me from trying to do it the next time. 

Years ago, when I was working as a youth pastor out west, there were times the church was asked to help someone in the congregation move.

This was always an assignment for the youth pastor and the college and career pastor. Dave and I had a motto back then, “Dave and Paul – the one trip movers”. 

That was our handle because, if it was up to us, we would cram everything in that house into the truck so we didn’t have to go back for another trip.

There have been so many times that I have been overloaded, using my body, chin, knees to get things from point A to point B. 

It’s just who I am. It’s part of my make up. We are all made differently and some people would never try to do the things I do. They don’t care if it takes two trips; so be it. 

Not me. I want to get it done once. Let’s not take longer; let’s not do this again. 

So that is why I’m having a little dilemma right now. 

I look out my front window and see a good-sized pile of leaves out there. I’m pretty sure my neighbour is wishing I would quickly scoop them up. But that goes against my grain because half the leaves are still on the tree.

At this point the tree looks a lot like my hair. On the outset it looks like I have a full head of hair, but really it’s thinning. The tree has lots of leaves, but you can tell it’s getting rather thin on top.

If I go out there and collect the leaves on the ground, they will only be replaced in the next couple of days with a completely new set of fallen leaves … which means I will have to go out and mulch leaves a second time. – I don’t even like writing that sentence.

If I wait a little longer, I will only have to do it once. The pile that is already there will also get blown around. Some leaves will stick around but others will land on other people’s lawns and I won’t have to deal with them at all.

Right now I have a couple of days of really nice weather to decide the fate of the fallen leaves. 

I used to be able to blame this decision on my schedule. These days, other than biking, golfing and doing a chapel talk, my schedule is fairly open. … Decisions!

Here’s the thing: We tend to not want to deal with our sin. If we do, we would prefer to only deal with it once, like when we ask Christ to forgive us of our sins. The problem with not regularly dealing with our sins is that they cause us to grow cold and distant from God. To keep your relationship with Christ warm and close, you need to confess your sins when they happen. Stay on it.

That’s Life!


Question: What do you need to do now, instead of waiting for later? Leave your comments and questions below.

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When Enough Is Enough

When do you say, “enough is enough”? When does one get to the end of her rope and start to climb back up? 

A person can only take so much before he starts to lose it. 

Like with a hockey team that’s having a difficult season, you want to cheer them up, to tell them a win is just around the corner. … but it might not be. 

How do you keep them from giving up? How do you deal with things that take you to the edge of the cliff? 

It’s a tough question to answer. 

Where I work part of the building has a flat roof. It’s an older church and it was built in three main stages over a 60 year span. For the last little while we have had a leak dripping from the ceiling of one of the flat roofs.  

That’s not the problem, however. The problem is we have had repairmen come to fix the leak almost 10 times! 

And what is worse is that after every time they have come to fix the leak, the leak has gotten worse! It keeps spreading.

The latest development is that now the roof leaks regardless of whether it has been raining and regardless of the temperature. 

Right now the temperature is in the -15 C range, and it is still leaking! 

The water keeps coming in and so do the bills. 

When do you say, “Enough is enough! No more money until you fix the problem.”? 

I remember when our daughter was a baby, she had a strawberry birthmark on her forehead. One night she rubbed it against the bumper pad in her crib and it started to bleed. Lil and I couldn’t get it to stop so we took her to the emergency department at the hospital.  

The doctor looked at it, said she was fine and then left the job of bandaging the spot to a nurse and an intern. 

Lil and I watched as this pair tried several different ways to bandage our daughter’s forehead. 

We really raised our eyebrows when they put some gauge on the birthmark and then attempted to put a mesh band around her head to hold it in place. 

I could see Lil getting more and more upset as our daughter Karlie kept crying and grabbing at the mesh band.  

Finally Lily got to the end of her rope. 

She blurted out, “That’s enough! Get the doctor.” They stopped everything and one of them quickly went to get the doctor. 

… I realize the roofing company has to pay their employees for the work they are doing on our church, but they are not even slowing the leak down; they are making it worse with every visit! 

Maybe it’s time to say, “enough is enough”.

Here’s the thing: When you watch the news, and catch the latest media buzz, you realize that our world is getting sicker and sicker. The weather shows us this is true, and people and countries show us this is true. At some point God will say, “enough is enough”, and He will make things right. … Be ready and prepared for that day. You just don’t know when that will be. 

That’s Life!


Question: When was the last time you had enough? How did you handle it? Leave your comments below.

Can You Really Love Enough?

According to Hughie Lewis, “Love is a Curious Thing” – that was the title of one of his songs from the 80’s.  

But love is also complicated. 

Last week when I was writing my sermon, I was struck by an aspect of love in a fresh way: When you love someone, that love must grow or it will die. 

In other words, if you don’t continue loving more, you will end up loving less and less. 

Love decays if left unattended.

That is true with everything in this world. 

You leave metal out … it rusts. You leave grass alone … it gets full of weeds. You leave food out … it goes bad. You leave a pond without any water flow or some kind of filter … it gets stagnant. 

Pretty much everything decays, rots, or spoils if you don’t treat it, take care of it, or help it along in some way. 

There is plastic, however … it seems to last and last and never go away. Landfills are full of it; the oceans have flotillas of it. But even with plastic, scientists are finding that if you leave a plastic bottle of water in a warm environment long enough, it will produce cancer-causing molecules in the water. 

Nothing stays the same. 

Mountains erode; natural disasters get more disastrous. Why would we ever think that love can just stay the same, that it doesn’t change? 

There is an old joke about a couple who went to see a marriage counsellor. The wife complained that her husband never told her that he loved her. The man replied, “I told her I loved her on our wedding day and, if anything changes, I will let her know.” 

Unfortunately, that’s not true. Your love can’t stay the same; it will either increase or it will decrease.

When a couple gets married, they can look in each other’s eyes and say, “I love you with all my heart” and it’s true. 

But after a few years, that couple has shared many experiences – some really good ones and some not so good. 

If knowing each other more through those experiences doesn’t cause each one to increase their love for the other, it will produce a decrease. 

The more you know, the more you have to love or you will love less because you now know more. 

Perhaps we have so many marriages that end in divorce because people are still loving their spouses with the same amount of love they did when they got married – only that’s not enough love to hold a couple together after a few years. They need to love more.

For love to increase in the wake of experience, you have to embrace the good and you have to deal with the bad. 

You must determine to expand your love, nurture it, care for it, and constantly attend to it. 

You can’t love enough. There is always more.

Here’s the thing: If you recognize that God loves you, and sent Jesus to save you from hell, and your reaction to that is to love God in return, that is truly a great thing. But unless you love God more than the day you gave your heart to Him, you will love Him less. As you get to know Him more and experience more with Him, you have to love Him more, or you will love Him less. It’s that simple; love doesn’t stay the same. You can’t love enough. 

That’s Life!


Question: How are you going to love God more? Leave your comments below.

I’ve Had Too May Birthdays – That’s Enough!

I guess you could say I’ve had a lot of birthdays – so many in fact, I can’t remember them all.


I just had one the other day. This one I will remember – actually, I would like to forget it, but I’ll remember it because it’s one of those birthdays that ends in a zero.

The day before my birthday, I went mountain biking. I almost crashed into a tree, but instead grabbed it and scraped my arm a bit.

Someone asked me if I’m going to stop biking because of the injuries. I said, “No. I was in my 50’s when I crashed; now that I’m 60 my co-ordination and balance is way better!”

Most people were very nice to me on Facebook, wishing me a happy birthday. The odd person rubbed the age thing in a bit, but not too much.

The thing about it is, on the one hand, I’m proud that I reached a milestone like 60. I’m pretty pleased that at sixty I can still play hockey, ride my bike, and beat my son in golf.

But the downside of turning 60 is that it sounds so old. When I turned 40 or 50, those were ages that sounded like maturity. Even if I lacked a little at times, at least my age gave the appearance that I was a mature adult.

It’s different with 60. It just sounds like you’re an old man. Who cares if you’re mature? You’re old now and that’s all people think when you say, “sixty”.

They think, and may even ask, “Where are you keeping that cane?” “You driving a Buick yet?” “Did you hear me or do you have your hearing aid in?”

I know that by next year I will probably get used to being sixty, but right now it has a strange ring to it.

I hope things don’t start to change automatically at this age. Tonight my wife, Lily, took me out to dinner for my birthday. After dinner we went for a walk downtown and I could feel a little tightness in my hip.

… I’m hoping that was a result of my bike ride way back when I was in my 50’s, and not some age-inherent arthritis I was feeling.

As we walked, I did see a number of senior citizens who had some pretty significant limps. I was hoping I wasn’t fitting in with them.

They say you are only as old as you feel. I don’t feel that old … I certainly don’t feel like I’m 60 – that’s an old guy! My dad was sixty once, and I thought he was old then; I’m not that old.

I might have to take this next year and prove that I’m not an old man by doing things old men wouldn’t do.

… I’m not sure what those things are, since I don’t know what sixty year olds won’t do, but this year when I feel like I don’t want to do something, I’m going to do it just in case it’s one of those things!

Here’s the thing: If you’ve put your faith in Christ, when you sin, sometimes you don’t feel like a Christian. But the truth of the matter is you still are a Christian, whether you feel like it or not. Confess your sin and get on with living up to who you are.

That’s Life!


Question: What have you found to be a difficult adjustment to make? Leave your comments below.